Burg Hurdler

It means you lost 9-3 to the Rams so sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.

Oh, Donny, your supporters don’t care about facts. That is the whole reason they are voting for you. So unless every one of these tweets just says “Shillary is a liar. Sad!” they aren’t going to care.

You’d think a guy bragging about building a wall could manage a few curtains.

Question: Do you have an understanding as to the word consent?

Anyone who continues to escalate a reference to a popular internet meme after what appears to be a thoughtful and sincere apology has no place in an office.

I seriously can’t tell if this article is satire. The woman “Danielle” sounds like a complete narcissist who absolutely refuses to accept a sincere apology multiple times, climbs leaps and bounds above the chain of command to the CEO of the company, gets a month paid leave, and comes back expecting what exactly? Did

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

Hinkie had classes, but traded them for future classes and a guest speaker opportunity. He’s currently looking to swap the guest speaker slot for Starbucks gift cards and/or wi-fi passwords.

I can imagine all the NASCAR fans on the lycos search engine typing in Google Tony Stewart.

If he doesn’t want to get hit in the head, maybe he shouldn’t wear a helmet. He’s just asking for it when he’s dressed like that.

The fact that she thought a domestic violence charge would end a career in the NFL is hilarious....

Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.

Scouts say Reid has great quick-twitch muscle, and Lane is a natural athelete. The scouts are split on Kaepernick, some saying he athletically gifted, some believing he is a student of the game. All agree he was raised a grinder.

I never cared if he disagreed with the officials. I just don’t think it’s right that he disrespected the flag and those who died to protect his freedom.

When did Kevin James get a neck?

Tyson: Alright, I got the ice cream bar. Pretty fast, right?

According to Trump, the America that white people are supposed to have is broken and stumbling and in need of repair. Kaepernick is black, and has achieved some success, so he needs to zip it and get in line.

Just thinking... maybe he should have called his family before doing this and told them to get out of town?

I know it's the last day and people are ready for the Games to be over but how did that spectator Eliud security and get that close?!

Here’s what the second paragraph says, (I lived in Rio for a year, live with a Brazilian and speak pretty fluent Portuguese):