Karl Mueller

This is what politics really is. No leadership, just naked greed.

I can’t wait for this clown’s skeletons to start emerging from his undoubtedly well-stocked closet. One look at him tells me that he has dirty laundry stacked up to the ceiling in there...

We eat too much sodium already in this country. SHOOT MORE HEROIN, TOO.

Your way is also a lot healthier. When you deep fry, those oils start breaking down into carcinogens pretty much the moment you get up to temp. Sure, you can probably have “healthy” fried chicken, provided you’re ready to use an absurd amount of oil that you will then discard after using it the ONE time. A crunch

I think I’ll just keep using the “method of Loki” instead. It may not work quite as well, but it’s a lot more fun, albeit EVIL.

He probably hired some “help” for the occasion. Possibly even over 18...

Here’s hoping this grifter finds the same karma as Bernie Madoff. Am I the only one completely sick and tired of hearing about him? 

Banning guns would be a great idea. Did you know that they are now the leading cause of death for Americans under 25? Explain to me how that’s a good thing. I’M WAITING.

Is it just me, or does he look like a complete PEDOPHILE? 

We are such a childish country that nobody would take us even remotely seriously were it not for all those WEAPONS. I keep waiting for us to hit puberty, but with people like Trump around, we likely never will. 

That happened to me just the other day. This is my story, and I am sticking to it...

That happened to me just the other day. This is my story, and I am sticking to it...

“You don’t need a quadraphonic Blaupunkt...what you need is a CURVEBALL...”

Was someone at Good Meat watching “Five Easy Pieces”? Remember “give me a chicken salad sandwich, hold the chicken”? 

Living with it? We ELECT it every time.

I feel much better about the World in general after walking away from both. You can, too. It’s far easier than you might imagine.

My grandmother used to use onion skins and vinegar to make “golden” eggs for me when I was a small child. Natural is always better, and using something that normally gets thrown away is the icing on the proverbial gateau.

“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.” - Kris Kristofferson

It says a LOT about their marriage that those letters still existed for her to find.

We’re taliking BUTTERHEAD lettuce here. Liz Truss has nothing on him. As for Johnson, he IS one...