Karl Mueller

My solution to overcrowding is simple. Anything that doesn’t get along with its neighbors gets HUNG. Kind of like Dodge City on a bad night...

I’ll take a santoku over a French knife every day, and twice on Sundays. The wider blade provides many advantages, including the ability to use the knife as a scoop. The most dangerous knife in the kit for the user? Boning knife, by far. Pay attention to what you’re doing when you use it, because you’ll wind up

No “Message To Love”? Have you ever HEARD OF IT? That should be your #1. ELP’s first live appearrance EVER, plus Free, Tiny Tim, Jimi, the Doors and MUCH more. It’s the “anti-Woodstock”, worth watching for the drama alone. Joni Mitchell in tears? You bet. Not much peace and love here. Reality isn’t so pretty. Neither

You’d think the actual cops would do something about this. Do they get a cut? It seems likely to me that SOMEBODY does. 

Have you TRIED lutefisk?

Who keeps their cinnamon rolls in water? No wonder you don’t care for them...

Sadly, he is no Gerald Ford.

“Practice? We’re talking about PRACTICE!” - A.I.

Mixing chemicals is seldom a wise move. Don’t make “Do It Yourself” a case of “Doing IN Yourself”. 

“Facts are stupid things.” - Ronald Reagan

I’ll supply the ketchup. She’ll need several bottles to cover the flavor, I’d imagine.

“Over”? Hardly. The nightmare ends when we no longer pander to these “celebrities” who are famous only for being famous. Describe to me one valid thing that either of these people have actually ACHIEVED.

I was taught to monte with wine, but to each their own. Makes for a nice little scampi my way, though.

This clown is no Chef, speaking as one who spent decades in the industry. I wouldn’t hire him to wash dishes.

I’m waiting for the musical.

For every person in my part of the country who wants to share the road, there are at least FIVE who think juvenile behavior like “rolling coal” is utterly hilarious. Also, the cars keep getting bigger and heavier, and people keep getting meaner and angrier. 

We used to have role models, but now we have “influencers”. The difference appears to involve whether they choose to take any responsibility for the consequences of their actions upon the lives of others. Example? An “influencer” might convince someone that it’s a good idea to jump off of a cliff. A role model would

“We”? You must have a mouse in your pocket or something.

People are going to utterly lose their minds when it comes out that Taylor Swift is trans.

This guy has about as much chance at becoming President as I do, and I’m not running.