Karl Mueller

His only priority appears to be getting himself re-elected. He will have to do so without MY vote.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we were given another option besides the same two old men that have proven to have no solutions to these problems? History repeats itself because nobody pays attention the first time...or the second...

Here in NC you can get by with space heaters, although that can get expensive, too. It’s also possible to live outdoors year round down here, although that requires at least a good sleeping bag. In Minnesota or Wisconsin, where I’ve also lived, not so much. It gets COLD up there. It comes down to planning and

The Liz Truss of American politics. Do we get a Boris next? I think they should pick George Santos, or Vince McMahon if Santos doesn’t want the job. Then we’d be CLEAR on the legitimacy of the entire charade.

Self-driving cars would probably be completely safe right now if they were the only thing on the road. Too bad there are so many other things in play, including human drivers, pedestrians, and even the occasional dog, cat, or grizzly bear. None of these things can be made to follow the algorithm, and probably never

The people at Nestle must be overjoyed. Now they can bottle and SELL IT ALL, and we go right back to where we were before. 

Fleetwood Mac was done when Peter Green left, as any true rock music fan knows.

“No wrong way”? You shouldn’t challenge people like that. I’ve seen cooks that could burn WATER.

...and the named the child “Elon”....

Since history inevitably repeats itself, shortly after that thing finally hits the road will come Musk’s arrest in a massive cocaine smuggling plot.

It’s the dead aliens in the trunk.

Any claim involving petroleum products being “safe”is probably a lie, at least on some level. Too bad we’re so hopelessly addicted to all this crap. Those of us with children should apologize to them daily for the future we have built for them. It only gets worse from here. 

The entire purpose of these films is to make the viewer cringe, from what I can tell. I’m still trying to figure out why anyone wants that in their “entertainment”. Don’t we get more than enough cringeworthy bullshit every day in this adventure we call “Life”?

This sounds like a terrific way for realtor.com to mine your data and provide you with a lifetime supply of spam.

Be careful how you speak of our future Emperor.

The best use for an old pillow will always be suffocating one’s enemies while grinning from ear to ear at the fact that the last thing they smell is your stale, rotten FUNK...

Everything changes in two short years when Taylor Swift becomes old enough to run for President. You heard it here first.

If it’s chili made in Texas, then it’s Texas chili. End of story.

Anyone not physically able to become pregnant has no right to an opinion on this matter, which is exactly where the majority of the trouble begins.

This isn’t just a TikTok problem. People were jerks about carryout orders well before the internet, much less any small part of it like TikTok. I have always felt that a lot of it boils down to someone wanting to feel “special”. There are also those who assume that they’ll get fresher food at a fast food joint by