
If you are looking for one of these, it is unlikely that you could start with a lesser quality version and get to where this one is for less money.   NP.

The worst colour for the worst car, made by the worst company, driven by the. worst. people.

The color is fine.  The car is not.

Thanks for the input, Asston Fartin Ladonga

Where the hell are his parents, and why isn’t he in school/at home under lockdown?

Wow that is a looker.

Why, that sounds like some sort of automotive journalism utopia!

When $kycog would send the COTD winner the scantily clad ladies

David Tracy’s Postal Jeep Saga.

This one, because I contributed to it,

The ultimate ground speed check: Tales from the SR71 Blackbird.

How Ferrari Spins by Chris Harris.

Any story BEFORE slideshows (which unironically this will become) and those with over a dozen backlinks to mostly unrelated content.

At what point under the herb’s direction has there been any indication that the powers that be give even the tiniest of fucks about our experience?

The more backlinks the more credibility the article has in the eyes of search engines.  If they do fewer backlinks then it gets lower priority.  They’re just doing what search engines require.

This was a surprise to whom exactly?

I had the article AUTHOR tell me to go read the linked articles when I had a question about what they wrote. Which, like... WHY DID YOU EVEN WRITE YOUR OWN ARTICLE?

How about getting a young FBI agent with blonde hair and a nice smile to go undercover to infiltrate the local scene of outlaw drivers? Maybe he gets a job at a parts store that sells NOS cylinders and intakes?

So is there video of the actual break-in? I’m not clicking on the two dozen links the the article that likely do not point to anything other than other Jalop stories to try to find it.

Jesus Christ, no. For the love of God and Satan in their gay furry orgy outfits, fuck no. Maybe they mistyped and added one too many nines in front of this thing.