BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

I'm fine with this, as long as it has three pedals. . .

This one really chapped my ass. Such a fantastic premise. A truly excellent show removed because it didn't sell toys. What a waste.

Because one has to be "gullible" to enjoy a movie in which the effects don't prioritize verisimilitude?

"I used to tell everyone that I'd never drive a car. I said, 'Swear to God, man, you'll never see me in no cage. I was born free, not a cager.' But recently I had a change of heart."

How many lives were saved by this?
I am not joking, last year we had an old lady make a kid an orphan when she drove into a restaurant and killed his parents and a waitress. She was never charged with any crime. She only lost her license.

But don't white feminists do this same thing when called on their bullshit? I don't understand making fun of someone for doing something that you do yourself.

You're absolutely right. It's weird that gifts aren't okay but the free automaker trips are. It's not really a clean line at all.

It's not so clean, honestly. I'd do away with press trips entirely, but we have this unequal balance wherein the only way to get the early access we want is to go on a trip, and they make the trips so damn expensive it's very unlikely to pay your way to all of them (Like, I'm not hiring a Sherpa or a helicopter or all

This is your daily reminder that the European Hondas are way better than our Hondas.

Indeed. As someone who is planning an engine swap for a car right now, I've heard lots of opinions on what engines/trans combinations to use, among other things. But the one constatnt that that doesn't change among those whom I've spoken with is this piece of advice right here:

I absolutely agree, however I think the studio needs to find someone who wants to do it longer than 3 movies. Marvel asks for 6 and 9 film commitments. Garfield basically is sick of these movies already to the point he's advocating for his replacement. If they want the main storyline to work they need a more stable

Marvel needs to bring Snipes back. The guy looks exactly the same as he did ten or fifteen years ago! And I think it'd be cool if Marvel had a few R rated superhero movies that were tied to the MCU. And I have a huge soft spot for the first two Blade movies.

and about 100,000 of the 10 million or mor peopleneeded to make a hit know what you're talking about.

a lot of people in New Hampshire too, where our state moto is "Live Free or Die" (I suppose scrambler thinks that is racist too)

Press days B.S.? Try going on a Dealer Preview. I was snuck into the dealer day by my stepfather for Cadillac back in my high school years under the alias "Ryan Hills". We sat around a conference table on the bottom floor. The room was filled with sleepy eyed Tri-State Cadillac salesmen who were clearly bothered to be

Ah a Jeffersonian approach to watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants (and abusers of the system).

There are also plenty of people in the South who rock the Stars & Bars who have no real political affiliation. They just remember what it stands for and don't shy away from it now. The Gadsden flag was not commonly seen anywhere outside of survivalist compounds and Revolutionary War reenactments until the Tea Party