BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

So you want a Focus ST for under 23k? Why don't you wait a year or two and get a used ST?

You know, CF adds lightness to a car. It has as much of a right on a gas-squeezer like the Corolla as it does on cars like the LFA.

So it'll probably end up with the 3.0 TDI out of the Touareg.

I love it. Simple basic design with added flair in the grill and body line. If I can get it with the Earth Dreams 2.4 and a stick, I'm in. Add AWD stick availability and it's even better.

It was weird that Infiniti decided to buy up all the leftover 1st gen CC taillights and use them.

I got a couch for my apartment :)

It was supposed to make it sweet, not salty. I guess I need more fruit in my diet...

I saw one after it hit a guard rail on 66 today. Oh the Jalopity! :(

I know the feeling. I get weird at work too.

Im just sayin, BBM was an odd first thought. Even for you.

Why you tryin to unpimp my auto like that?

I really wish it came with a stick. I mean it IS called a Sport...

Yeah, something memorable. Like... maybe Skyline? I dunno. Just a thought.

Miss you buddy :(

I like this interior much more than the new 3-series.

Yeah, you're right. If he wants to add a 5% charge, he needed to multiply by 1.05, not divide by .05

I prefer a little horizontal space with my vertical opening.

I wouldn't mind the shape if it was a hatch. But as it, it really limits load input size.

The side profile looks just like the 2012 Civic.