BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

For a small electric car? Come on. Don't be ignorant.

You forgot to mention the most important part:

Isn't ASIMO made by Honda? So wouldn't it be an NSX?

Any chance we can get them with a stick?

I apologize for the male species when it comes to their treatment of women as objects. I do my best to keep myself from behaving in such a way, but I can't fix anyone else.

The first two points of the article are just excuses for people to pass the buck on being responsible for thir actions. If you have a consensual, but unwanted pregnancy, well you made a gamble and you lost. It's not the kid's fault you made a poor business decision. Take responsibility for your actions, and give that

It's looks vaguely Charger-ish in the bronze...

Acura will never get back to where it was until it aims back where it was aiming. Acura used to be the sporty, everyday luxury. They're chasing Lexus or Acura when they used to be much more akin to where Ininiti is today, but with a bit more practicality. The beauty of Acura used to be that they were truly Hondas that

Yes please! I don't even care that the new Euro Civic has questionable looks, I want the good stuff from the people that used to make the ITR and NSX!

I would love a GTD. The Golf TDI is already a gem, but the experience is a little too Eco-minded. And the GTI kit just makes it look all the more better.

Technically, isn't the VTEC Mini the fastest Mini available?

Dear Lord. It's just his first week!

As a car? I love it. Completely sexy. As a Corvette? Not really a fan. Very derivative. Maybe it'll look better in person though.

Good choice. I'm a little hesitant to like DSGs because they are unpredictable at low speeds. Plus they are far from smooth when not performance driving.

We all dislike automatics, but if you had to pick, which kind would you? (ie: traditional, DSG, CVT, etc)

You're one of those guys that thought they shoulda given the Cobalt SS a V8 aren't you?

If it drives as well as the CRZ, I don't care if it's related to the Insight.

The Integra! And no the ILX doesn't count.

Just needs a little more Zoom-Zoom is all.