
It would make a better story if people were drinking water out of a plastic vodka bottle.

For the people who say a male who identifies as a female should be allowed to run against other females should remember the world record for the mile is 3.43 for males and 4.12 for females. No difference? Get real.

Car racing on an open road with no guardrails and cliff edges is dangerous? Who would have thought. What a bunch of namby-pamby wusses. Ask the drivers if they want to limit engine sizes or put governors on their engines. And no motorcycles in 2020? I bet the events lawyers made that decision, not the riders. Try

It might have exploded in 1320 A.D. and now we’re all doomed. Doomed I tell you, doooooomed.

I’d rather see a statue of Lincoln taking a piss on a confederate flag while he’s standing with his foot on the neck of R.E. Lee.

As soon as Huawei’s purchase of two floors of Trump Tower he’ll find no reason for any investigation. It worked for the Saudis.

Nothing better than a good run on Call of Duty and killing enemies with your squad.

You can replace Huawei and 5G tech and this will be up to date. The Chinese Politburo Standing Committee run the state and have personal financial interest in every big company in China. The 9 men are all very rich, very powerful and aren’t afraid to use that power. They still see themselves as rulers and everyone

You believe in public whatever it takesto get your client freed. It helps that you’ve received a 250,000$ non-refundable retainer and can charge 1200$ an hour. Weinstein is a pig and a bully and a rapist and an asshole but he’s also rich.

Yeah but who is watching this video? Facebooks algorithm only sends it to Trump cultists and the same with Instagram. I’ll never see it. No one I know will ever change their thinking about this Bozo in the Out House. Quit clutching your pearls and get used to it or you’ll burn everyone out with constant coverage of

I’ve got some black neighbors who have come over for BBQ and beers more than a few times and we’re friends. I’d like to get invited when they have a family BBQ (Darryl is a much better cook) but I know I’d be the turd in the punchbowl. So I go fishing.

A head chef/owner I worked for told me if you want to make it the owner needs to be there every day, open to close for at least the first year. He was successful but a tyrant on the line. A yeller and curser but he bought us extra shift drinks. And he also made a point of pulling a C-Note out of the register every

Only 2% fatality rate. Worldwide that’s only 120 million people. And the Chinese have always been so truthful before regarding their internal struggles. I’d be a little more worried.

The only safe election is paper, pencils, calculators and no apps. Also, no idiot posting the vote count phone number so it can be swamped by Trump supporters. We need to go old school. If it takes longer for the results then it takes longer.

Are the people who cut their palms on avocados the same dumbasses who cut themselves on bagels. You cut halfway through the bagel and then turn it over and cut upwards away from your hand. You hit the avocado pit with the blade just enough to let it grab and twist the blade and the pit comes out. Maybe some people

Jesus Christ!!! Pencils, legal pads, calculators and telephones. Stop with the latest greatest app bullshit. “But we have to have the results quickly for the news cycle”, fuck that, they can wait a few hours. There’s a reason old school worked, because it worked.

What does ass taste like? Pepsi?

The British lost more men in one day at the Somme than the US did in 10 years in Vietnam. No wonder they still remember that war. The US just starts another one and adds the last one to our list.

Maybe if there had been a few transgender, cigarette smoking, French speaking prostitutes with lisps you’d see it more as art. And that smell is pretentious movie snobs channeling Truffaut.

What a bunch of scaredy cats. I have more faith in America than you do I guess. Americans are a proud people but they know when they’ve been conned. A lot of Trumpers talk the talk but when they vote a lot of them will go blue. I predict a landslide against the GOP and Trump. You’re all acting just like the sheep