
Since sides are usually half prepped so they’re available quickly, getting yours at the end of the meal is ridiculous. I wouldn’t pay for it and I’d talk to the manager if the server game me any grief. Better to write off 50 cents than a customer spending 30 dollars.

Oh the horror. A pre-screened passenger might have to wait a little for their friend who isn’t pre-screened. Whatever will they do? How will they cope with having free time? Play a game on their phone standing in the Starbuck’s line and then meeting their friend with a hot latte maybe?

The Hummer is really a good choice. You can put a shit ton batteries in a Hummer. And as far as recycling batteries after a few years it can be done. 

Start thinking what your Dad would say: “What? Are you fucking stupid? That’s 4 months of lattes. That’s a new iPhone 11. That’s half a months rent.”.

I’m just an old boomer and I can’t understand why people have to be connected every second of the day. Try interacting with salespeople and stop being so self important that everything else in the world can wait. It’s rude. You’re not that important that common decency is something you can just put on hold. I stopped

Greatest headline ever. I’m surprised that a unicorn didn’t pop out.

Maybe if the police parked 3 or 4 cruisers outside the lot along with 6 tow trucks and instantly arrested burnouts for reckless driving the bad apples would go away. I feel sorry for anyone living within a 1/4 mile of those parking lots. Their yards must sound like NASCAR is next door.

Mumbai and that section of the Indian coast are some of the most polluted places on the planet. How is that fish not carrying toxic everything. Hmmm, feces and cadmium give it that bite.

How is it possible that a Michelin starred restaurant doesn’t have a waiting list and was unable to fill that reservation with three days notice? The restaurant may be highly rated but this bad word of mouth will get around. Kiss that star goodbye for being jerks.

The Times Board are a bunch of idiots. I’m really afraid that the DNC will have Sanders and Warren leading the pack then the DNC will find a way to give Biden the nomination. Sanders got screwed last time when Clinton got the nod even though Sanders was the best nominee because it was “her turn”. The Democratic Party

A little butter to sautee some shallots, a dash of white wine then a pat of cold butter to thicken things up works for every kind of meat.

George Orwell knew. The Ministry of Truth under the Republican party.

Why are people so against simple mechanical gauges? They work forever, don’t have glitches, can’t blow a fuse, don’t take out the entire dash if something goes wrong. Sometimes old school is best. Damned stratosphere. 

I think everyone had to go try an Impossible Burger, just to see what it tasted like. I did. Once. It was okay but you wonder what beef flavored chemical is sprayed on for the taste. And 7$ for a vegi burger. Get lost.

I’m pretty sure if you look up “big, dumb asshole” in the dictionary you’ll find Trump’s picture. It must be a standing joke with the Secret Service that they have to explain to Trump where the sun goes at night and that the Earth is round.

Is there any natural disaster that the writer won’t blame on racism? In the other article the Australian drought is the same as racism towards the Aboriginals. Now it’s redlining poor people that is responsible for heat islands and climate change. I’m pretty sure it’s dark pavement and concrete structures that are the

I’m pretty sure that that the prolonged drought is responsible for these fires being out of control. The native Aboriginal peoples can’t make rain. The writer seems intent on making a drought the same as the settlers who almost wiped out Aboriginal culture. Apples and oranges. They’re not the same.

I’m an old hippy boomer and you just want to be left alone and have a beer. Grow the fuck up. This country is going to shit quickly and if you don’t get off your asses and help throw Trump and the Republicans out next November your kids will be carrying mandatory bibles and getting drafted by these pieces of shit in

Another good reason to watch Netflix and avoid this mutual ass kissing show.

What makes you think they’re not trying?