
Try using free-form English spelling and poor grammar on a job application or thesis paper and see where that gets you. I personally will toss a job application if the applicant writes like a 4 your old and can’t spell common words or uses text abbreviations in a sentence describing something. I’m a pedant. U-NO!

At least they didn’t get Legionnaires Disease. Yet.

Tim Cook isn’t under pressure from China but he’s afraid of them. China could shut his production and parts suppliers down and crash Apple’ stock price quickly. Apple could move their facilities elsewhere but how long would that take. Bonuses are at stake here people.

And imagine the thousands of tons of food being thrown out at grocery stores and restaurants. Both heavily rely on frozen products. All those freezer cases, ice cream, most raw meat gone.

The DeVos family owns Performant which is a student debt collection agency plus other companies involved in debt collection. Corrupt to the core.

This is great practice for some apocalyptic event. Society falling apart because of greed and wind. We’re doomed.

Those Indian burial grounds under the stadium will get you every time.

I don’t think I’d hire any of her lawyers if they were stupid enough to take her case without a big up-front payment, in cash. What a bunch of chumps.

Next you’ll tell me water is wet and fire is hot. Michigan and especially Southeast Michigan is populated by 2nd and 3rd generation crackers who still sound like they just left their “hollers” and use the N-word like apostrophes. Michissippi is no joke and I’m a 61 year old white guy born and raised here. Rebel flags,

Fuck Lizzo. All I want is a Malcolm  in the Middle reunion show with Bryan Cranston as Walter White giggling and freaking out Hal style.

I’ve never met Gere but I had to deal with Stallone at a restaurant in Telluride one winter. What an unmitigated douche.

Try the Graham Norton show clips on YouTube. She does a TC impression there. Norton has the best mix of stars doing some crazy shit.

If this was really a coup that asshole Trump would be against a wall wearing a blindfold. Show some balls why don’t you. Trump cultists and his open carry butt kissers are cowardly little men waving their steel penises around. They’re a bunch of pussies. Them and their “If I was at a mass shooting I’d of stopped it”,

I would think the only “thank you” note that bartender wants would be a piece of paper with a 20 or a 50 on it. Say thanks, set it on the bar and leave. They’ll remember you.

I broke down and had an Impossible Burger from BK and it was pretty good. The texture was good and whatever the chemical spray they put on it made it beefy tasting. The deal breaker was the 6$ for it. I can get two Whoppers for 5 bucks. I think they have jacked up the price because of the hype. 

I don’t know. Wouldn’t you rather have a two bedroom apartment above a Chinese restaurant in Soho. Just kidding. I’d buy that in a minute. C’mon lottery.

If Rivian can get a foothold in truck sales I don’t see how fleet buyers wouldn’t love this thing. No more mechanics, low maintenance, low cost per mile. Most delivery services don’t come close to running 400 miles a day and the idea of plugging it in at the end of shift sounds very appealing if you’re delivering

My friends store in Telluride, co. has off-season 1/8ths for 10 bucks. 80 dollars an ounce and it’s decent weed.

They’re probably taking orders from Saudi Arabia and Russia though.

My apologies, you’re right. 29% was the highest I found online. My dispensary here in Colorado has too high numbers on their jars. But being young and stoned doesn’t make you any less of a jerk.