
I smoked for forty years young’un. I went from 5% THC to 45% and gave it up. You just can’t tell what your brain used to feel like before smoking. Take two weeks off and tell me there’s not a difference.

Getting pulled over by the police is a great way to straighten up. That adrenaline rush works but with todays super weed you’ll still feel that head wrapped in cotton feeling for 24 hours. Todays weed is like drinking Everclear alcohol as a cocktail.

How would you do if your life was under a microscope since you were 16? How would you do if women came up to you and wanted to jump on your dick every day? How would you do with a bad back but were obligated through tons of money to tough it out and play. Could you play on that high level for 10 years? Money only goes

He ought to get along just fine with the black men protecting his back. Or not.

Two weeks? Are you storing it on the counter? I’ve made jerk seasoning with vinegar and habaneros that was still good months later. Refrigerate the product and it lasts a long time. That “does not need to be refrigerated” on commercial hot sauces is there so it will go bad and you have to buy more. I don’t think

Would she be an “Auntie Tom”? 

But I’m rich and famous and blonde and on TV. Doesn’t that count for anything in America anymore? What an idiot. Cops and DAs don’t ask questions they don’t already have the answers to and are prepared to back up with evidence. She’s going away.

But I’m blonde and famous and rich. Doesn’t that count for anything in Trump’s America?

If Wikileaks or Anonymous were so fucking good at their jobs where’s the Mueller Report or Trumps taxes? It seems Assange was more interested in throwing hand grenades than building a better system. And what’s with the new look, Julian? Going full Bobby Fischer before the arraignment.

I always tip 20% if not more every time. If you didn’t like the meal then say something to the manager on the way out. The server didn’t cook the food so quit being such a freaking cheapskate.

I agree on unwanted touching but when you’re moving through a crowded space like a party what do you do? Throw an elbow at someone or do touch their elbow and say excuse me and go on your way. Is that unwanted touching?

How are any of these stories related to spring break?

Sounds a little like bullshit to me. Jason Lee POSED those kids without a nanny or a bodyguard or Momma stopping him. That’s not a quick snapshot. 

I’m an ignorant old white man and I was wondering is there a black conspiracy TV channel akin to FoxNews or Alex Jones? And as far  as conspiracy theories stupidity doesn’t recognize race.

I take back everything I’ve ever said about the pilots of those planes. If the MCAS system kept turning itself back on after the pilots shut it off then Boeing is 100% responsible for those crashes. Warm up the lawyers.

I guess they never saw “Gravity” in India.

That should be the Dems primary talking point until the election. Trump can be fucked with but not ousted so just keep sticking sticks into his spokes but treat him like the drunk uncle at Thanksgiving. Paint the entire GOP as the party trying to kill us all because they were ordered to by the hospital/drug lobby. The

So true. A good diver takes the load off the line and the front end if they never have to worry about being short on something and a bad diver can put a bad vibe out that spreads. One job that no robot will ever take over.

Tea? What, are you from Mayfair? A good ale with my cheese please.

Maybe he should join the “Incel Tour of Champions”.