
If you’re starving, meat is meat.

Why is CNN covering this morons Hillbilly Nuremberg rallies at all? Even FOX doesn’t broadcast them live. CNN has lost its way.

As usual a sports team from Michigan gave up at the half and sat there with their heads in their hands.

And their biggest shareholder and support is Chinese Intelligence. You’ll never convince me there aren’t back doors in every piece of software they sell and will use them if they need to. 

You just know their are Minecraft players out there who have built concentration camps with cute little swastikas and ovens. There might even be a subreddit where they compare designs.

All the pig farmers had their billions of gallons of manure in those open pits swept clean by Mother Nature. Thanks Mom.

Won’t she be surprised when she finds all those searches on Pornhub.

Shitty driver, curb, brick wall , tree. Maybe he thought he was driving a Mustang at Cars and Coffee.

I’m sure there were people in 1947 who were saying “those silicon transistors are a passing fad”. Who is going to be the Intel of graphene?

It’s if a Ford GT had fucked a Z51 Corvette and was wearing a diaper only 20X more expensive.

It’s not that hard. And if it’s “restaurant quality” and it’s still awful then there’s no quality involved. Make a night of it and go through a package of nori and a pound of rice. You’ll get the hang of it.

How can John Wick not be the perfect puppy loving representative? If killing 80 something people over a dead puppy isn’t love then what is?

I wondered where the ghost of Woody Hayes went to?

There’s “fuck you money” and “fuck you celebrity” and she has both. She’s an idiot who doesn’t give a fuck because she doesn’t have too.

Check out the movie “Brexit” with Benedict Cumberbatch. Cambridge Analytica and Mercer were behind the Brexit “leave” vote also. Mercer is the evil behind the curtain.

For all the people with multiple bad experiences at your “favorite” restaurants, three words, “Learn to Cook”.

Enough with the “we request” and “may we please see” bullshit. Start sending out subpoenas and if they’re ignored get the US Marshals to start handcuffing people and walking them out in front of the building. The Democrats have to start showing some spine and stop with the civility and asking nicely. The GOP and Trump

Please tell me they’re not making a CGI Rufus?

There a lot of videos on YouTube showing cockpit views of commercial jets takeoff to landing. Every one has the pilots “hands-on” only at takeoff and landing. The rest of the flight it’s turn a knob for heading. Turn a knob for speed. Turn a knob for altitude. The rest of the flight they have their hands in their laps