D. Skye

I’m not sure I’ve seen an uglier interior in a concept car. I can’t imagine spending time in there. Woof. The exterior is slightly better.

Nice writeup. It matches up well with what I saw when I watched it just now. It’s fun, if uneven. 

I watched this for the first time a few days ago and was shocked at the adult themes and references. I had avoided watching it forever because the appearance of the “who’s” makes me extremely uncomfortable for some reason. It was better than I expected with some really impressive sets. 

It’s about Musk’s hypocrisy, or didn’t you get that? “Free speech absolutist”. 

The GOP needs to be listed as a terrorist organization. What an evil bunch of fuckers.

Funny that AVGAS100LL is the “low lead” aviation fuel. How much lead did the regular stuff have? 2+ grams of lead per gallon seems like a LOT of lead. 

Well, that’ll sure teach him! /s

ConYe denied the holocaust in the interview with Jones. He’s beyond help. He’s beyond the ability for anyone to make any reasonable excuses for his awful behavior. 

Sure, he’ll create his own phone along with an OS. Haha. Funny watching that flatus nozzle fizzle out.

Good. Here’s hoping it continues to plummet. The guy deserves the worst.

I wish I had the skills and tools to do exactly that and give the info out for free. This “business model” really pisses me off. 

Fuck that. I would consider a one time charge for a serious performance upgrade, but I’m not about to let them extort me for the rest of my ownership for “unlocking” what’s already there physically. 

It would be interesting to have hard data on how a person’s faith and politics affect their actions in real life regarding practical steps to stave off a climate disaster. It’s obvious that evangelicals have a hard on for the end of the world and are actively working to hasten our end to fulfill their sick fantasy of

I’m surprised the percentage is that high (if it actually is, as the article points out it may not be). I can’t speak about the religious people in countries other than the US, but here in Murica the sentiment seems to be bless the US and screw everyone else. It might be a bridge too far for a lot of people to want

As much as I love space exploration and development, I wish another aerospace company would give SpaceX some real competition. Maybe we can convince Musk to divorce himself from SpaceX so I can feel better about liking what they’re doing these days. 

I care because his electability isn’t the issue, it’s the fallout from his lie filled hate speech and the physical violence that will be the inevitable result. Shitbags like him don’t deserve a megaphone to spew hateful lies.

I imagine you take your mega-yacht to a non-extradition country after arriving into Argentina. Are yachts tracked? Probably I suppose, but it seems unlikely that they would be trackable by any individual groups that aren’t powerful government agencies.

That sounds exactly like Supreme. Ducks of a feather. 

Same, it looks like it could be great. Looking forward to watching it. 

Bwahahahahaha! What has he done that’s racist? Where to start. How about the time he said a hispanic judge couldn’t fairly preside over his trial?

There’s literally too much for me to list and I’m sure you’re just trolling me anyway. Not sure if I can post links here, probably not. I’ll try a couple. If they fail then