D. Skye

Not refrigerating the blood supply kept in it would be a bigger waste.

Hype! Err....Car?

There are better and much safer ways to get high than nitrous oxide. It can seriously fuck you up permanently if overused long term or kill you outright if you overdose. Buy a can of whipped cream if you must know what getting high on it is like. Then don’t do that shit anymore because it’s simply not worth it.

The transmission is a sad trombone, but I think the latest Murano looks pretty great in a sea of bland boring blobs. It’s got way more style than most cars these days. Taste is subjective though, and I’m sure not everyone likes the styling, but to call it boring is a bad take. 

Maybe they sell as well as they do despite the sort of old platform is because they have some style. I like their styling quite a bit myself. The CVT is a deal breaker for me personally. Does it have any segment competitors with as much style and character? 

 I’ll vote for my wife’s 2013 Mazda 3 with the 2.5 non turbo motor. It sounds like a wheezy tractor. 

I wonder if I’m the only one that cringes every single time I read “She-Hulk”. My god that sounds so dumb and sexist. She-Hulk? Really? Why no He-Hulk?

It’s like the character was named by a 12 year old boy from 1954. 

Scary ride! Strange that the video is a video of a video of a video.

I’ve got a Brother black and white laser printer with auto duplex that’s worked great for years without any issue whatsoever. I haven’t tried their color printers or inkjets though, so can’t speak to those catergories.

I also have a full color HP laser printer that has been fantastic. It’s doubled in price since I

This doesn’t surprise me. For substantially less money than their supercar offerings you get a stylish, (relatively) room car that holds four people (or two and their stuff for a long weekend) that can be driven faster than reasonable in comfort. As long as it doesn’t have any fatal flaws it seems like a no -brainer

Given the likelihood of a tire failure at speed, why oh why were the fuel tanks placed directly over two tires each? I realize there is a finite amount of space to put them, but directly next to a tire that will eventually fail (and catastrophically when it does) I just don’t get why that choice was made. It seems

Fuck you. No one should have to travel out of their State because some religious zealots legislated their religious morality onto everyone.

Horse shit is the least smelly kind of shit I’m aware of. I’m not sure you’ve ever smelled it. If I had to walk near any kind of shit I’d prefer horse shit. Horse piss on the other hand is not as easy on the nose as horse shit. 

It seems entirely likely to me that Trump (rather the truly dastardly fuckers that pull his strings) intended to lose in order to drum up an army to take the government by force.

This morning I was curious about what the stain was whining about on his “Truth Social” after this mornings damning testimony at the hearing so I started to the sign up for an account. I got to the point that requested my phone number and decided it wasn’t worth it to give them data that personal just to see what the

Relax, Cadillac only shared the teaser image. That’s all anyone (outside of GM probably) has at the moment. 

Wow, I had no idea that thing exists. What a bizarre creation and what a strange car to base it on. 

You pretty much summed up what I was thinking. It seems like a mechanism, not a robot. It doesn’t seem to be guided after launch, doesn’t seem to be directable to any fine degree. “Robot” seems beyond a stretch of the definition. 

I have tried Kratom, but it felt too much like pretty much every opiate I’ve taken. Opiates make me feel pretty awful. I’d take them if I had short term extreme pain but not for chronic pain. Plenty of evidence showing they don’t help long term pain.

I forgot to mention in my earlier comment that when I’m taking 60mg’s