D. Skye

There are starch based packing foam materials available now. Not sure they’re safe to use as animal feed, but they do compost.

Better manufacturers have switched to molded paper pulp packaging. I think it’s likely heavier (costs more to ship) and costs more to produce, but can be recycled or even composted. The best way to get manufacturers to ditch styrofoam is to ban it’s import and manufacture where possible. That and maybe publicly shaming

The person responsible should be forced to drive that abomination for the rest of their lives. It’s an affront to Jaguar and cars in general. They should probably be referred for a mental health evaluation as taste that awful is surely an indication of something horrifying lurking below. No fucking dice, no fucking

It’s a slippery slope I’m sure. I didn’t recognize Renée Zellweger when I saw her after her “rework” or whatever you’d call it. She literally looks like someone else. I get not wanting to look like your body is falling apart slowly, but to look like someone else entirely? Whatever floats your boat I suppose.

It’s designed to lift 220,462 US pounds as cargo, I imagine it’s going to be quite heavy itself. I also think the catching mechanism is likely an insurance policy against a catastrophic landing failure. 

It sounds like you should look into how ketamine works to help folks with addiction. It’s definitely a new paradigm for those that think “all drugs are bad!”. Also as per the article ketamine treatment is medically supervised by trained medical professionals.

The most abused drug on the planet is widely available

I noticed the same improper description. It’s definitely not a hallucinogen in the sense that LSD or psilocybin is.  It feels like we’re slowly making progress on this ridiculous “war on drugs”. 

Ketamine isn’t a painkiller or even remotely like opiates.

I was wondering if it would make us easier to find. A bubble in space seems likely to be more visible. In other words it could attract the attention of et’s (is that the right term?) and since the space inside the bubble is pretty empty we’d be easier to spot. The denser bubble surface would also seem to have the

Also, this is worth checking out to get a perspective of the local bubble’s appearance: https://sites.google.com/cfa.harvard.edu/local-bubble-star-formation/visuals?authuser=0

(posted in the article too).

I imagine it looks vaguely like the first illustration. The matter on the outer surface of the bubble would likely be brighter (denser at the least) than surrounding space.

It would definitely change appearance from different distances and your consideration of a viewing distance of few 1000 lighter years away

Life is short and often difficult. Maybe you should try and lighten up a bit. There are plenty of things to be genuinely upset about. A few lighthearted jokes shouldn’t be among them.

I’m shocked at the number of people that feel like you about that movie. I thought it was horrible. One of the most formulaic and unoriginal movies I’ve seen in a long time. Maybe I had my hopes set too high, but man I hated that movie. 

There’s an example in a nearby “big city” for half the price of this one, no dice. And why Oregon plates if it’s a California car?

You’re giving off a strong anti-vaxxer vibe.

Nature gave us smallpox, polio, influenza etc. that have decimated us throughout time and brought untold suffering to countless people. Nature also gave us (some of us anyway) clever and curious minds capable of taking simple tools and creating more powerful tools.


Maybe it was all the assholes I had the displeasure of dealing with today, but this is the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should. The effort and materials used to create this would have been better used creating any number of less idiotic eyesores. 

It looks like someone took a Chevy Equinox and beat it with a cyber sledgehammer. 

I don’t know how that qualifies as an SUV. The ground clearance is pretty minimal. It’s a fat tall wagon in my opinion. I guess that’s true of most SUV’s these days, but most vehicles described as such have a bit more ground clearance.

So the $4k question, how does it look and compare to a direct view flat panel? I’m interested in one of these as my main viewing area is fairly dim and has room for one. 

As I posted above to another comment, here in Oregon the laws have changed to pretty much exactly what you described: only registered owners of a vehicle can sell their cats to legit scrappers. I expect that most of the cats that will likely continue to be stolen here in Oregon will simply move out of state to Idaho, W