B Sven

Yes. Yes it does.

Cause Nuffins are so darn adorable, even cuter than puppies or kittens ?

Lovely shout-out to universal oneness; we are all component-nodes of consciousness in a vast trans-pan-galactic unicellular cosmic organism…

Intriguing. Please tell us more about this "child."

Once the 'lil jagged tormenter finally roto-rooters through the urethra and out, it is such an endorphin city heroin-high relief; don't worry about all that blood, think it helps lubricate the stone n move it along.

Perhaps with all that childhood gambling practice blended with mad attorney skills you'll be getting ole Lucifer working for you.

All our favorite breakfast cereals: fortified with extra Rizzo brand rat feces—It's reconstituted !
I kind of give credit to Charlotte's Web and Spider-man comics from childhood for developing a wary affection in place of a primal reaction to the mighty spider.
…and maybe your spider roommate was really in the mood for

May your dreams of green snakes be fizzled by crickets in your evil magic energy vampire cult empire.

….chuckles and grins, CR-D, left wanting more…

Did you ever get the effect during night-tripping where all the stars in the sky were different colors?

"Soon I discovered that this rock thing was true
Jerry lee Lewis was the devil
Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet
All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world
So there was only one thing that I could do
Was ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long…"

Good. Cause when they don't inspire a shift into a lucid dream, it is a tad disconcerting.

Did you ever have one of those dreams where things are crawling under your skin and you watch the movement of raised flesh as those things scurry about ?
…and then, when you mess with them, they burst forth, in some blur of flailing black tentacles and insectoid limbs ?

Read somewhere that the FDA has a percentage calculated of the acceptable amounts of insect parts that can end up in our cereal. Is that crazy ?

…now i picture cops who ride the pony, or cops who sell dope, paying many a visit to the evidence locker and making jokes about Hoffman when they do…

Like to stand as close as possible when the subway arrives, because the rush of it, the weight and the wind and the mechanical roar, is wonderful…but only indulge when other people are quite a distance away.

"Is it safe?"

Always thought the kid who played Damien Thorne in that one did a fine job; that scene where all the answers were coming to him in class, he exuded a delightful arrogant defiance; and when he discovered what he was, ran to the shoreline and shouted "why me," seemed to convey confusion, pain, and vast despair.
…and back

Piss Christ ?