B Sven

"Astrophysical observations spanning dwarf galaxies to galaxy clusters indicate that dark matter (DM) halos are less dense in their central regions compared to expectations from collisionless DM N-body simulations. Using detailed fits to DM halos of galaxies and clusters, we show that self-interacting DM (SIDM) may

…dating site for Kermit ?

"Topological Jamming of Spontaneously Knotted Polyelectrolyte Chains Driven through a Nanopore"

"Biochemical processes are inherently stochastic, creating molecular fluctuations in otherwise identical cells. Such “noise” is widespread but has proven difficult to analyze because most systems are sparsely characterized at the single cell level and because nonlinear stochastic models are analytically intractable.

…on the parallel Earth where Presley said yes, he also had a cameo on Under Pressure.

…or Charles Monroe.

Whatever happened to Aqua-Mariner?

…for a split second thought Linklater was making a film starring Pee-Wee Herman and Tony Robbins.

"Analyzing the noise in the momentum profiles of single realizations of one-dimensional Bose gases, we present the experimental measurement of the full momentum-space density correlations ⟨δnpδnp′⟩, which are related to the two-body momentum correlation function. Our data span the weakly interacting region of the

…or help plunge him over the brink through red curtains at Glastonbury Grove into full on garmonbozia gluttony in some kind of hellish Black Lodge hootenanny…

Confess Lunatic, sang the Systems-Keeper;
Renounce Freak, called the Status-quo Master;
Collapse Instigator, said the Stasis Lord;
Yield Clown, howled the Time King.
No god damn eyes,
need to see;
No forking tongue,
crave to taste;
No ears at all,
call to hear…

"We propose an approach to quantum phase estimation that can attain precision near the Heisenberg limit without requiring single-particle-resolved state detection. We show that the “one-axis twisting” interaction, well known for generating spin squeezing in atomic ensembles, can also amplify the output signal of an

"To taste the fruit of yon celestial tree,
Or die in the adventure…"

…if Frank Silva's family has no objections, it'd be cool if they re-used & re-configured old or unseen Bob footage and incorporated it into the new.

Cuatro Peaks

Do I forever recall those ancient times,
where newborn eyes watched creation sing;
wings helped ring primordial chimes,
earning brief privilege at ear of the King;
is it true cause of angelic demise,
hubris or unspeakable evil unlet;
or did dare allow own star attempt to rise
above Architect’s splendor cause long sunset;

Boobie-Wan Kenobi ?

"It is shown that the formation of phase space holes and clumps in kinetically driven, dissipative systems is not restricted to the near threshold regime, as previously reported and widely believed. Specifically, we observe hole-clump generation from the edges of an unmodulated phase space plateau, created

Spock's Mom has got it goin' on.

Dancing Doctor Demon Dinosaur Director Detective ?