One of the best comments ever.
One of the best comments ever.
Why do all of these photo's look photoshop'd?.....
The G's is what worries me. I've somewhat learned to brace in cornering so I don't swing back and forth. I wish I had the seats from my brothers ralliart in my STi. They have so much more side bolster.
I'm about 4 hours from here, closest track to me.
Damnit, meant dislike
It's like the 911. It hasn't changed much proportionately. But just enough to keep up with the times. And damnit I like it.
Yellow and white. But we all know what color it should be.
I really, just like his attitude. 85% of the time he's awesome. But one little problem and he turns into cry baby.
I was rage posting on another thread, wasn't thinking straight.
The best part of Daniel Ricciardo's fastest-ever lap in Top Gear's Suzuki Liana
Still too "enzo"-ish to me
Instead of pressuring others to "change" games to be made to her liking, she should do what Elon Musk has done with the electric car. Start her own company or help an existing one to create the games she desires. Stop lecturing and do something. Annoying game developers will not bring about change to the big titles.…
Really? This Shit again? It's a hell of a lot easier to diagnosis a problem with a obd port than it was in the 80's when electronics came about with multitudes of non standardized diagnosis equipment. Check engine light are fine. I don't understand your irrational hatred for them. Every little system from the evap,…
Nice mall crawler bro, sick H.I.D.'s bro, you going to moab bro? HEY BRO LETS GO TO MOAB
It's an expensive car to maintain, but it wouldn't be that expensive for a 5 hour trip.
Wouldn't this be a cheap alternative to missiles once its ready for the field?
But don't they have a convoy when passing the straights?
But don't they have a convoy when passing the straights?