
When you stick the Doom Generation in that spread, NBK starts to look like goddamn Shakespeare. Ugh, that movie.

Could you possibly explain these things to the rabid Bernie Sanders supporters?

I am having trouble understanding how Title IX fits in to all this? Like at all.

The sentence handed to Karla Homolka was tragic. I know there’s an argument to be made that her deal led the prosecution to find the video tapes of the crimes, but those same tapes also completely discredited her story that she was just along for the ride. I remember being a kid when Kristin French went missing and

Now this is all I want. This and Cuba to have to wear one of the Hans/Franz suits from SNL.

This is actually an intersting point. So many of the courtroom shots were of OJ TOWERING over Kardashian. That ain’t possible without some appleboxes with this cast.

So the approach was to say no to a duck wearing an old goalie mask, no to a duck without a mask but looking angry, not to a duck of any kind, and yes to a duck foot shaped vaguely like a letter D that I wouldn’t have ever realized was a duck foot until an article was posted about it on Deadspin in 2015? This is why

He is not a shrimp... he is a king prawn!!!

Yes. We have to thank you okaaaay.

I can’t believe someone finally got one of these things right, hat’s off to you

I love him!

Rowlf, the original Muppet and still the best

Obviously this isn’t every single Muppet, otherwise we’d be here forever. Also Fraggles and Sesame Street characters didn’t count for this list.

Honestly, before I scrolled down, I thought it was because the bird is in blackface.

They always start great, they always rocket downhill from about episode 3 on. It’s so disappointing, I don’t even watch the previews anymore. I watched two episodes of Freakshow and that was enough for me, especially now that AHS has taken such a campy turn. Usually I love camp but Ryan Murphy tries to cram way too

Baseball is so much more fun now that real, top tier pitching is back in force. I love it.

She’s definitely related to Lillian Bounds, Walt Disney’s wife. So that explains the last name, I guess, though it’s spelled differently.

I had the same thought when I finally watched John Carter. Very good movie but nothing like I expected from the promos. I came away wanting a sequel. Jupiter Rising, also better than expected.

100% agree. it’s sort of odd to even try calling it sexist to hate Courtney Love, I mean it’s like saying everyone who hates Margret Thatcher is a misogynist.

While I’m certain there is sexist hatred for Courtney, I also know the woman creates much of it for herself with her behavior toward other humans. Having had my business attacked by her personally for days on Twitter years ago, I can attest to just how crazy and MEAN she is. She bought some things from me, forgot she