
I knew all about these teen tricks because I USED TO BE A TEEN.

Don Lemon then demanded to get an interview with this Marshall Law.

Batman Begins was my answer for this. That movie makes me feel like Christopher Nolan played a trick on the world, but only he and I are in on the joke.

All of them?

I think you just described EVERY AHS season.

I agree this is a true hip hop fans favorite rap group, the author implying other makes me think they have no clue what they’re talking about.

As someone who deals with depression and anxiety, I’d just like to say that at least he isn’t out there raping crablegs and shit.

Thank God, I thought you were going to say he was gay or something.

Yes, I remember reading that a long time ago around the time I saw some show... maybe it was Nature? Or possibly National Geographic before they became all about that reality show money. I think the specific problem that perpetuates the myth is that the words that are used for numbers are directly tied to words for

Oh for sure! That’s ok with me though.

I’m a black man in my thirties and my favorite sport is baseball, and that can be an incredibly lonely experience. Like Rock, I’m also a Mets fan, and I became a National League fan in part for the same reason he did (his father, like mine, hated the AL because it somehow managed to be even more racist than the NL).

No doubt there will be stupid “not paying attention” comments, but that is just colossal bad luck.

I really don’t like his story telling style. I find he tries to put so much over the top emotion into the story that it comes off as melodramatic and false. I’ve literally never seen a sex scene less sexy than his one between Silk Spectra and Night Owl. It’d be more emotional and realistic if he’d just flashed some

Never saw it so didn't know how many protagonists it had, but other than Cabin Fever which I included to show an earlier work which had the same elements (5 teens go to a cabin in the woods and evil ensues), I was going even wider trying to say that claiming any ownership of the idea of 5 protagonists is patently

Angelina Jole?!

Oh no.

So you haven't seen Raising Arizona then?

My wife found him hilarious and sweet. She said she likes him even more now. But she also likes Nicholas Sparks books, Michael Bay films, large family gatherings, and (usually) me.

I’m a POC. Calling that “blackface” is fucking absurd. But I can’t be arsed to spend Sunday arguing about it, so please, take my POC opinion card and express yourself. I’ll hold onto your white guilt while you do it.

“I’m white, so I shouldn’t even have an opinion on this” is retarded. Please stop it.

I’m starting to wish no one had taught the internet the word “blackface.” The whole thing is starting to feel like a two-year-old who’s learned to say “No!” and now says it to any question.