
Fine, it may be an annoying comment but I would still take Costas over most of the moron sportscasters out there. Plus he is a hell of an interviewer

I suppose I am just embracing the fact that I am now a white guy in his 40s and becoming cranky but-

Can you imagine the venereal diseases in ‘dose nuts?

Batman Begins. Jesus what a slog. I have tried 4 times to watch it and fell asleep every single time.

NFL standards-

Is anyone asking for a second Avatar movie?

The truth is the Yankees and their fans are intensely insecure. The bully always is deep down.

Well both, but specifically in this case the numbers thing. If interested in the subject look up Alfred Howitt. Here is a brief intro to the subject-

That is a myth that was disproven well more than 100 years ago. It is amazing it still persists

Well, ‘ox’ was used as a non-gender/age specific term for individual cattle for a long time but yeah, you’re right. However, no one would ever respond to someone pointing to an individual cattle member and say there was no word for it. They would simply give one of the specific terms (cow, bull, etc.) or say “it is

Haha. Don’t worry about it. These things happen

Doesn’t it seem odd that the locals wouldn’t have a word for kangaroos?

When it comes down to it it won’t matter if the movie is good. In ‘King Kong’, Kong is perhaps the least interesting animal on the island. It is inhabited by previously thought extinct dinosaurs after all. But they pass on all of them and decide to capture the one that is simply a gigantic version of what you can see

So they wouldn’t hire Jayden ‘little general’ Smith to be the new lead in the movie and Will refused to take part in response. That would be my guess.

I suspect this will be yet another of this groups movies that rely almost entirely on jump scares. Not all that interested. Horror seems to be getting a few high quality films the last few months which intrigue me a lot more than this.

Agreed. By the way you must go and watch the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre immediately. The greatest horror movie ever made. Also the horror movie that is arguably copied more than any other after it for these kind of tropes. DO NOT see the remake.

Sadly there is a faction of people who think the woman poops gold and sneezes unicorns no matter how crappy her work is at times.

Why is Zach Snyder so powerful? I will give him Dawn of the Dead and 300 was a big hit (though I hated it) but the rest have been either flops (Sucker Punch, Watchmen and Man of Steel) or close to it. This guy seems to be not only getting worse as he goes along but also failing upwards.

Or how about Texas Chainsaw Massacre as a much earlier and better example

I actually give Henry Rollins points if true. It just seems to fit both his ego and sense of humor.