
It was a sarcastic response, not a suggestion. :-)

No apologie necessary.

No, because until it is proven I will think of her as a p.o.s. traiter.

Fire Emblem...

Haha the look on their faces..

No I was not.

Alexstrasza ftw.

She was a fucking traitor to the U.S.?! No reason?!!

Murder is killing for the purpose of ending someones life. Execution is when someone is being punished for a crime. Does this help?

No joke!

Well now that Cruz is back I should probably call my bookie.

It’s definitely worth signing up for the waiting list. For the soundtrack alone. It’s first come first served so jump on quick!!

R.I.P. Sir.

You’re my new hero sir.

I need this game in my life today... Thanks for putting this on my radar Luke!!

Hmm, it seems like World of Warcraft should be on this list... I remember when I first saw it 10+ years ago. I was so in love I went out and bought it that day.

That mullet tho...

That Smash Bros disrespect!!

Yeah with Agahnim. It was soo good! Thank you for letting me know they published it!! Buying it A.S.A.P.

Insightful video! Re-Installing Bioshock for the 51st time. =]