Bromona Quimby

Why do people keep ungreying dick cream?

She looks like Meghan Trainor

I call boomers born in the 60s “Barely Boomers.”

I bet she was drinking wine. 

Does juuling cause brain worms?

THANK YOU. I’ve thought so all season but several of his line readings last night had me laughing. 

John Gallagher Jr has been bad all season, but he delivered some truly abysmal acting in this one. 

Who DID Rosie get along with at The View?

‪Elizabeth Warren got slammed for not getting out until after super Tuesday. Imagine if she’d dropped out the day after the first primary since the pandemic. ‬

Good luck with that!

I’m guess I’m just not naïve enough to believe that anymore. 

My mom doesn’t understand divorced people getting along with each other either, but she is hopelessly damaged and broken.

It’s definitely both.

This the same Constitution with the emoluments clause?

The roses have been complaining for at least a week that the mainstream media is ignoring this. It’s definitely a BIG MEDIA conspiracy and not rose media bullshit, that’s for sure.

Also, is provoking the word we want here?

Never trust someone who looks like she’s cosplaying. Phyllis Schlafly.

There is no real beef here. 

I guess what I don’t understand is that for four years I’ve been told he’s the most popular politician in America and up getting the nomination this time was going to be a cakewalk. He almost had as many votes as Hillary Clinton did in my state (Missouri) in 2016 yet he didn’t even get as many votes as he got last