Bromona Quimby

Because it was an absurd demand from a man who had yet to even release his tax returns. 

2020 is the year every man running for president realizes it’s a lot harder when you’re not running against Hillary Clinton. Well, they SHOULD realize that, but none of these men seem to have a deep capacity for introspection. 

When he’s not claiming people making attacks and his name can’t be supporting them, you mean. Where that leaves Turner, Sirota, etc, I don’t know because according to rose people I’m dumb. 

At least 3 someones!

Who is the base of the Democratic Party? White suburban women?


It’s been reported that he was a at Trump event two weeks ago, so yeah, he really cares about his fellow queer people.

Bernie’s  top level staff is people who voted for Jill Stein in 2016. 

I’d take you more seriously if you didn’t call her Lizzy. 

Still no real beef here?

Did anyone need this? Maybe something more edifying would have been a dive into why Bernie couldn’t win the south again (or even why he has failed to meaningfully grow his base), but that’s not a conversation Jezebel will ever have.

I don’t understand why more people haven’t had this reaction.

“vote blue no matter who” is not Bernie-team rhetoric

Why wouldn’t you use a picture of the pouch?

I would bet good money that’s where the “unsourced obsessive” got the idea for this. 

Don’t worry, most things—including the comments section—remain the same.

Didn’t they already announce this? I have a clear memory of people already getting overexcited about the 6 actors out of character in the same place.

Okay, but they were supposed to make a Netflix movie called Divanation a few years ago that never happened, so I’ll believe it when I see it.

Anyone who claims he was not famous pre-Titanic should not be allowed to accept money for pontificating about pop-culture.

These are not character actresses.