Bromona Quimby

They do say people with feet that don’t hurt make terrible physicians. 

I know this is gonna blow your mind but -

Trump’s afraid of Biden and Warren. He and the GOP are convinced he can beat Sanders. 

I like both of these women, but when Wiig came out with that look on her face I knew we were in for something painfully unfunny. 

This gives me the same feeling that I get when school puts on a play or a musical without getting the rights. Maybe it’s a bad system (copyright? corporations?) but it always ends with public support for the adults who should’ve known better in the first place.

There are 4 headlines on the main page right now that start with “the.”

bafflingly performatively obtuse

I am the leftist

I enjoy thinking about the media laying it on so thick about how seriously Iowans take their place as the first and how savvy they are how and then thinking about the woman who somehow missed that Buttigieg was gay until after she cast her ballot.

I appreciate Jezebel’s longtime commitment to putting people on camera who have absolutely no charisma whatsoever.

Every knows it’s illegal to spell check a blog before posting. 

Man does his job, but we think we have to grade these people on such a curve that he somehow becomes a hero. I wisheople would stop embarrassing themselves over the calculated acts of “conscience” from Republicans. Mitt has ensured that next time he runs for president this will get mentioned every time his name comes

There is no real beef here. 

This resonated a lot with me, too. 💙

Some scattered thoughts. On one hand, I wasn’t sure to expect from the finale, particulary since last week could have served for a series finale, if a subdued one.

That used to be her handle, but it looks like she deactivated. Not only does Joanie suck, Joanie also can’t handle criticism. 

I didn’t like this movie but I also don’t like the person in this video so I’m torn. 

I kinda love this?

There was something River Songish about her to me, too.

I’m assuming the show will flip things on its head one last time next week, and I hope it does so that I can retract this, but this episode really did not work for me. This is really the first episode that hasn’t for me, and with it being so close to the end, I have to wonder if they’re going to be able to stick the