Bromona Quimby

Once they are mathematically eliminated, sure. Or they can hold out, teasing a contested convention, and wait to get their name in the congressional record. 

“The right would be outraged that the gay candidate was at a bar with a stripper pole” is probably correct, but the media would be the ones to do the heavy lifting there by not contextualizing that against the first family the same right loves so much.

Like the time he already was?

in a fruitless attempt to stir shit up.”

Good thing they can convincingly do that since I guess people of those races don’t actually exist.

I always think that’s the big tell with a non-American is trying to do an accent. Anuhthin and evruhthin.

Why does everyone call her Liz online when I’ve never seen a human being call her that to her face?

Is Jezebel contractually obligated to keep Rich on the payroll, no matter how many changes of the guard? Is it like the 700 Club and whatever network it is now?

Maybe it’s her shoving her top lip up with her finger while she slushes that she finds it very attractive.

The Bernie campaign’s ability to be slighted by even the most benign criticism really excites me about him running against Trump. ‬But Bernie’s always more forgiving with the GOP than the people we’re continually told he’s on the same side as

I think that’s the kind of reunion they’re doing. It’s not them playing the characters. 

Maybe Daddy needs to tell his babies from his first marriage to get a fucking grip.

Almost every major surrogate (Sarandon, Turner, etc) began this campaign by introducing Bernie with the fact that he was never a Republican, which was a deliberate and pointed dig at Elizabeth Warren. I’m not sure what the dig was considering only one of them is actually in the party in the running for a nomination

We incepted them and told them not to register where there were closed primaries. Debbie Wasserman Schultz taught us how.

He wanted her to run in 2016 and now all his supporters act like she’s Hillary Clinton 2.0. Is Bernie just a really bad judge of character or what?

Using words correctly is for neoliberal sellouts. The leftist is always correct-est!

Does each subsequent Jezebel regime have a contractual obligation to keep Rich on the payroll, like the 700 Club on whatever channel it is now?

Or she heard - like most of us - McConnell say he’s going to do the trial anyway. Or you’re right and it’s just another case of a woman jealous of another woman.