Bromona Quimby

I feel like RuPaul would run as a libertarian. 

Remember when everyone collectively lost their minds and decided Mr. Rogers was bi?

Thank you, Patty. 

She sure does!

Remember the good old days, when Patricia Heaton tweeted at Sandra Fluke to imply she was a slut?

I think the implication is that he was about about to apologize, though, which was the reason for the the huge spike that brought him to -1 points. 

The questions I keep going back to are why does there have to be a system of judgment for humanity at all? I get that that’s baked into religion, but why have a Good Place (or Afterlife with reward and punishment at all) if you’re going to nuke it all and maybe convene in a billion years to judge whatever sentient

Is he just strictly doing sequels, reboots, and other types of franchise extension?

Xeroxed Carbon Copy

Wtf is Common Read, tho?

Is that why right wing trolls call Chrissy Tiegen a pedophile?

The ending used to be on YouTube, if you’re curious. I’m not sure if it’s still there.

I just started a reread (I just finished Northern Lights the other day) so that’s part of the reason why that epigraph was so prominent in my head.

I think people had no idea wtf was happening in test screenings and cut it. 

I have fewer quibbles than most book readers I’ve talked to (a small sample, and I haven’t started reading comments here yet).

I like Warren a lot. If she becomes the candidate, “anger” (real or invented) is going to be an issue. That’s just a fact. A segment of progressives are already working in turning the perception of her into Hillary 2.0.

Are they fine with being lied to by a woman?

Wait till the general. 

The base is African-Americans and currently that’s Biden’s demographic.