Bromona Quimby

Fuck Alyssa Milano.

Lol. Early 80s. 

I would like to see the Venn Diagram of Britney conspiracy theorists and people who keep the Housewives on TV. 

Some of you Britney-truthers should probably have your own conservator. 

I thought Sugar was non-binary?

I did kind of gloss over the statement at first, and I guess all actors need to fell in love with the character they’re playing, but I think there was probably a better way to phrase it.


I don’t remember people getting this worked up when Meryl Streep made an entire fucking movie about Margaret Thatcher.

Surely that’s the monthly, not yearly, maintenance?

because I don’t want to engage in a fight.”

They’ll probably look to Boyhood for example. 

This is one of my favorite musicals and I never thought I’d see a movie version of it in my lifetime, and it’s possible I still never will! ‬


I for one am SHOCKED that things on tv don’t look like they do in real life. 

I’d stand by Keith, too!

“Now Kim Cattrall Won’t Even Answer Questions About SATC!”

It’s a woman who has been behaving like this for decades and has a series of canceled films and shows in her wake. 

Nobody loves Faye Dunaway.  

Nah, King Kong lost enough money already. 

Strictly speaking, Jesus wasn’t a Christian.