Bromona Quimby

According to this brain trust of comments, you’re being baited and it’s your fault.

She now admits that she will never host “cup of tea”


Yes!  I knew there was another one that grated, but honestly, after hearing various characters say “reboot” a bunch of times I could think of nothing else! 

Nobody said “reboot” to mean reviving a tv show in 1990. Sometimes the language on this show is jarringly anachronistic. Sometimes I think, well, a lot of slang did originate with ball culture so I can write off other instances of language that sounds out of place, but “REBOOT?” in 1990? When NOT talking about

Wow.  This has to have been the most uncritical one of these so far!  

Drips with ellipses that land as em dashes.

Trans men may need reproductive healthcare. 

But the offer was snubbed, with the “I Kissed a Girl” singer demanding that she could hold Swift’s new cat.

How is it that My Best Friend’s Wedding is the only film to accurately depict the incredibly common phenomenon of a relationship just not working out?

TBS has a whole host of non-family oriented shows. 

Lol.  Everyone knows you have to get their early, because they always give out more tickets than seats for those screenings. 

I do sometimes think the person who writes Trump’s tweets is doing just that.  Sometimes the fucked up word choices seem deliberate. 

I love how confident everyone is.  Just like 2016!

They don’t care that the current president did.

Those sounds like a podcast at least of couple of Jez’s writers must love?

I am almost 100% certain he doesn’t actually write his own tweets. 

The own the building.  They’re not running a school. 

A lot of *fun*