Brofield of Brodreams

I’m sure you’ll say a lot of stupid things until you’re blue in the face. Cyclists have as much of a right to the road as anyone else. If you can’t be trusted to remain aware of what is on the road with you then you shouldn’t be behind the wheel of a car.

Yep get those cars off the roads until they can learn to drive safely!

If that’s your reasoning, the Umpire is about 9 feet tall

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

You either retire a hero, or play long enough to see yourself become a shitty statue.

What the dickens was that?

Subtle Twist

Did Fagin really attempt to snub Walton, or was it more of an artful dodge?

As a law professor, supporter of publicly-funded legal aid, and long-time ill-fitting khakis advocate, I assure you that in our cabal, public legal aid and khakis go together like... well, like khakis and absolutely any top you could imagine. Blazer, dress shirt, polo shirt, t-shirt...

A South African should really know to keep those two things apart. He id

I love when someone goes to the effort to report on White Sox spring training. It’s like reading a review of a community theater production.

I have the Eufy RoboVac 11 currently to replace my old roommates Roomba 790. There is no comparison, the Roomba is worlds better. It cleans better. It navigated better. it is better at making its way home automatically. In fact the Roomba basically replaced my vacuum. The Eufy on the other hand? not so much.

I have the Eufy RoboVac 11 currently to replace my old roommates Roomba 790. There is no comparison, the Roomba is

I’m wondering if perhaps the tire came unglued and rolled off, which lead to the rim breaking apart when it hit the pavement. Gotta figure, at that level, those high end carbon fiber rims have the thickness of a coke bottle and any undue stress is gonna make them break apart like a saltine cracker…

“I first saw President Trump as an ass...”

That Kander burn is fantastic. Chickenhawks like Schilling are the worst.


If we’re going to shit on anyone who has a change of heart on social issues and question their motives, can we just admit that we’re more concerned with performative righteous indignation than in making the world better?

She’s amazing. MOST of her speech was amazing, but...

One day the editors will let Diana post about happy news. One day.

Illinois: New York? No. Chicago hates NYC, but the rest of Illinois doesn't give a fuck about NYC and the whole of Illinois doesn't give a fuck about the large state of New York.
And most Chicagoans hate Wisconsin more than they hate NYC, so I'd say N. Illinois hates Wisconsin. S. Illinois hates Missouri.