Right? Plenty of men and women with mental illness are not violent. They are typically the most risk to themselves with self-harm and suicide ideation.
Right? Plenty of men and women with mental illness are not violent. They are typically the most risk to themselves with self-harm and suicide ideation.
I am glad you escaped that relationship!
Also if someone’s “longterm plan” is already suicide-by-cop, the potential their ex has a gun won’t change their behavior.
One time a coworker in a crappy retail job accidentally cut their arm and bled all over a box of apples.
I know they won’t, but I really wish cities would start just demolishing these monuments and say, “this is why you can’t have nice things!” when the alt-right complains. Won’t let them relocate statues without throwing a fit and having riots and murdering people? Fine, fucking destroy them instead.
It’s like the rest of the sentence just died in her brain..
Some of the senior management at my office are fucking incompetent, but the people beneath them are good and so senior management looks great.
Right? This isn’t an article about using vinegar to clean some random household item.
Shoot I’m going to smear some sparkly eyeshadow on the sponge first so my vag can be all sparkly and pretty!
I was just explaining the origins of the VP Fair to a coworker yesterday!
Too much.
Right? Bring your fucking A-game!
She could just bite him and then swim away waving a fin in the shark version of bye felicia.
This has far too many prey fish and that little turtle. Pretty sure children are going to learn about the food chain in a very direct way.
“This plan is great for Americans! Oh dear god fucking hell no we don’t want it, we have our special person plan because we’re important, unlike you plebes.”
“I promised Mommy I would stop putting frogs in my sister’s bed if I never see him again!”
Well, he was the vice president. These things happen. He’s a special, important man, unlike us poor plebes.
Honestly, given all the dipshits who accidentally shoot themselves or others, safety and usage training would help reduce gun violence.
The red flag is the domestic violence charges from his past, not the gun itself. I don’t care that he had a handgun vs. an assault rifle.
It’s because the victims are always “acceptable” collateral damage.