You FSU dropouts are so obvious.
You FSU dropouts are so obvious.
Yeah, in addition to being angry with him for being a serial rapist, I’m also angry with him for ruining a show I loved. I realize that by comparison it’s not a big deal, but still.
That is a terrible Jim Tomsula story.
That water is perfectly drinkable; get a Brita filter if the taste bothers you.
Wash out your garbage can with soap and rinse with bleach water, line it with a contractor’s bag, and then fill it with water for flushing toilets and mopping floors, etc.
Also, clean your house, vacuum, mop floors, run the dishwasher, clean the catbox and pet food dishes, and do all the laundry BEFORE the storm. Take…
I met my now-husband at work but we both worked at a company with 70,000 employees worldwide and we worked in different departments in different buildings. I happened to meet him in the cafeteria one day and we started having lunch together a few times a week. But if we had broken up and didn’t want to see one…
I really like Shad. I thought he was a great host.
William and Kate can’t go to a restaurant without protection officers.
I read Harry’s remark as, for William to succeed the Queen, and then Charles, people we love have to die. So they’ll do it, because it’s their duty, but no one is looking forward to or eager for it because of what it will mean to them personally.
Is that Pete Dudak? I’d like to see Pete’s employer read that letter.
I was always told that you can’t use the poop of meat eating animals in compost.
Go to Amazon and google for “Jag pull on jeans”. Elastic waist jeans that look like regular jeans!
No lie, I read this story in the NYT to my husband last night and we stayed up for two hours trying to figure out how to leave the country. I don’t even believe in homeschooling and the day this takes effect is the day I pull my kid out of school.
We’re sorry you brought it up, too. Because it was stupid.
Well, if they feel the need to harangue and harass an actor because they didn’t like the part she played, then they have just proven themselves to be racist manbabies. Just like you should always punch Nazis, you should never listen to racist manbabies.
“agree to disagree” is appropriate when we share a goal but disagree about the means to accomplish it. It is not appropriate when you want me to not have the same rights as you do.
If you stopped clicking on the stories, then they wouldn’t.
My mom was making salsa one day when my baby nephew woke up and she went to change him. It took her about five minutes to realize why he was screaming. The emergency room said to wash his diaper area with Dawn, but it took several rounds.
That is a fascinating answer.