
Do you even understand why we are moving to EV’s? It’s not because EV’s are better than ICE cars for your driving and commute. It’s because EV’s are better for the environment. Less carbon pollution specifically. That is something the Holy Free Market does not take into account, and thus must be mandated by the

“ ‘Tell me about why should I do your movie.’” This apparently did not go over well in the room. “They were like, ‘Fuck you,’ And I was like, ‘Right on.’”

Anyone with an inkling of New York society or real estate knew the guy was an utter clownshoe. Hell, every contractor in the city and the surrounding state wouldn’t touch a property of his (and his shell companies) with a 10 foot cattle prod because he NEVER paid. There are lawyer firms that won’t even let him through


I wish I could go back 30 or so years to the time when everyone knew Trump was a conman and most people thought of him as a clown. I’ll never forgive Mark Burnett for creating The Apprentice and rehabbing Trump’s image as a savvy businessman.

Yeah.... Climate change doesn’t give a fuck about you and your cars.

**wakes up from a wonderfully peaceful sleep absent of any political news**

Tail end boomer here.

You described my HS parking lot of 1983-4 when all those revered 60's muscle cars were now long in the tooth and dirt cheap for us teens. Every day half my friends would light up their tires when leaving the parking lot. Bunch of my friends ultimately wrecked their cars (71 GS sport, 67 Camaro, 73 RoadRunner, 67

There are some MAGA billionaires out there who might just step up and pay the whole $250M for him.

Hell, even if the fine is $1, he’ll use this trial as an excuse to cheat his followers out of more money. That’s pretty much the only thing you can count on Trump to do - scam for more money whenever the opportunity presents itself.

What are the odds that he uses any fine as an excuse to squeeze more money out of his cult of followers? He will cover the fine and pocket the rest.

I am looking forward to the inevitable self-inflicted extinction of homo sapiens.

What happens when the Boomers are all gone and nobody really wants these cars anymore? I have no interest in any boomer mobile for the price they command, but if one were to be able to get a mint Bel-Air for like $8k I would buy just to turn it into a lowrider or stupid stance mobile on bags.

My favorite line:

Just wait till they’re like $6-10k. Highschool parking lots at the end of the school day are gonna be deathtraps.

Watch Mecum or Barrett-Jackson and you will see fat boomers paying stupid money for sixties-era “muscle cars”. I keep thinking I can have a REAL modern muscle car for half the price they are paying.

Covered up in the garage 360 days out of the year is their pride and joy, which is one of only 547 built on a Tuesday in the middle of August by a man named One-Eyed George and one of ONLY 219 with these EXACT options. It was appraised by Racist Bob Collector Car Appraisals 5 years ago at $375,000 and they will never

It’s without fail the Corvette, then their other car is some “luxurious” GM abortion that they take to church like a late 2000s Buick Lucerne (because Toyotas are “crap”):