
Any deal that requires to use a food delivery app is never a deal. 

Everyone needs a hobby.

I’m telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem.

Don’t get mad that you’re stuck behind the sanitation truck

The whole thing boils down to “don’t be an asshole” and everyone gets along just fine.

“Don’t light things on fire and throw them in the back of the truck”

Sex work is a perfectly acceptable profession (so long as a person gets to willingly choose it and have control of their clientele). The authors of that paper are just greedy assholes who find it easier to lie to the public than adjust how they make money.

If I ever get to the point that I need to prostitute myself (i.e. screw others for money) as much as the authors of this report apparently need do, it’s time to exit this world.

Throw my name on the “came here to say this” pile. Such a strange move. Kotaku’s really starting to lose me in the time since so many writers fled.

NES Classic on a pile of Japanese Famicom carts. It was the first thing I noticed as well. Odd choice.

Couldn’t you have used a picture of a real NES for the lede image for an article about the importance of the original NES?

He wanted to see if it would fit. 

It’s a testament to the Fit that the driver and passenger survived this at all.

This can’t be right.  I just bought a timeshare on Jupiter!  They told me it was right on the beach!

Not sure. Try it. I’d probably cheat and add both turkey AND Pepperoni. Ever made toasted turkey pepperoni melts? They’re delicious. The fat renders out of the pepperoni and adds moisture, and along with the cheese, no additional condiments are even needed!

Every time I hear about a Twitch streamer it’s because they’re a piece of shit. Stop giving them free publicity by writing about them.

If you have gravy I don’t believe this really needs cheese...maybe a corn casserole ingredient (mine has cheese)...I am a home pizza-head so this really inspires what a good T-day pizza (or better yet, stromboli) could be.  A pan pizza using leftover stuffing squashed as a crust...hmmmmm

This could be done right. I’d love to see a take on this with a REAL Detroit Style execution. Plenty of cheese right to the edge, cooked in a square metal pan, the same set of toppings, and with a ladling of gravy on top. I’d also like some sage and rosemary seasoning to the dough to give it that stuffing/dressing

I’m buying pork bellies

I have one guess where this information is coming from...