
Someone somewhere referred to them as Xcretions. I thought that was pretty clever.

The details make it somehow even worse. The straight lines and right angles really highlight how poorly this thing fits together. That entire bumper section is just a disaster.

There were so many lessons to take from COVID.

no no, you post Xits on Xitter.

It isn’t like a lot of citizens apart from pols care a lot either.

Those days didn’t exist. The guy was selling indulgences before he even took office.

If covid taught us anything, it’s that we can safely kill millions of people, employ stopgap measures, come up with solutions that many people will ignore, and eventually life goes back to normal(ish), even though excessive death rates remain way above normal.

That’s because the GOP are sending their worst. Literally.

That’s because the GOP are sending their worst. Literally.

This i can believe. Like the NBA one time pissed off China and hell broke loose. Apple has a lot invested in China’s cheap labor so dont want to ruin that or my next phone might cost $2000.

It’s stupid looking from all angles. 

Wow, Ive never seen it from that angle. That is stupid looking

I say we start lining up the billionaires and oligarchs and tossing them one by one into a volcano until the gods are appeased.

If there were only about a billion of us things would not be anywhere this bad.

Hopefully that was the last time anyone gave a shit for that frothy little gnome. I still wouldn’t piss on Sean Spicer if he was on fire to this day.

Yeah and I counter your argument that humanity is too selfish and hates each other so much due to stupid things like religion that it is impossible to come together to solve a global problem the likes of which has never been seen before.

Hollywood is not aligned with any ideology other than the one that maximizes profitability.  

Right-wingers bedrock belief that Hollywood is liberal is easily disproved when Dancing With the Stars hired Spicer, The Masked Singer hired Roodles, and, most egregiously, SNL hired Trump to do episodes. Turns out entertainment companies are giant, multinational corporations that are more aligned with Republican

I have always said, one of the greatest faults of our species is our inability to be pro-active even when we recognize there’s a problem on the horizon. But we are also at our best when we finally get down to solving the problem.

There will be pain, there will be suffering, there will be immigration the likes of which

Sure, but the politicians have made it very clear that corporate quarterly profits are more important than human survival.