
Funny thing, if you look up the island on Google Maps there’s a picture of the beach with a big “SOS” on it, guess this isn’t the first time this happened.

The crux of a lot of our problems. It will only get worse without systemic change.

They wish they could do the same... what am I saying? They probably do. 

Today would be great. 


As a Gen-X’er myself, I’ve found we’re about 50/50 with that Boomer type thinking. “Participation trophies” were just one of those right-wing media fear-mongering topics like “The War on Christmas”. If it even was a wide-spread thing at all, it was probably applied to toddlers, which yeah, let them feel good about

Just do an engine swap into something crazy, like a Beetle. Maybe slap the fenders on and make it a wide-body. 

Yep. They did a poll and I was surprised to see how many people there are here in the U.S.A. who say they’d actually like to have a dictator running things, because that would only be bad for other people, not them of course. Idiots. 

Was going to say Garbage Island in New York, but they’re turning it into a park. 

Besides everything else wrong with this “war”, using AI to determine who dies is beyond stupid, careless and incompetent. We can’t even get it to drive cars properly, using it to issue death sentences is one of the most fucked up idiotic things I’ve ever heard.

Or make their own blockbuster movies, like “Terror on the Prairie”, that did so well. 

Dismissed! Wasted their own time, lol.

Nope, a projectile the weight of a person made of meat and bones can absolutely kill you, even if you’re in the same car wearing a seatbelt. Imagine you’re in a seat and someone throws a person at your head, even a child could snap your neck.

Reading up where, exactly? Kinda matters. 

Tempting to go at it, especially when they mention “woke, but they can stay in the grays where they belong.

You’re correct, but I gotta say... “The only conclusion I’ve ever been able to come to is that the people of the SW universe are simply really not smart and don’t understand anything of the world they’ve built around themselves. It’s Idiocracy in space.” So the same as our universe. Do you think under capitalism that

You’re talking out of your ass. The sequel trilogy grossed over $4.4 billion at the box office worldwide, with each film surpassing $1 billion worldwide.

This is new? I thought it was called being “on call” and had to be agreed upon contractually. Guess it’s a state by state thing. Whatever the case, it’s a workers rights issue, no way I’m staying in a job that would require me to respond 24/7 without very significant additional compensation.

Interesting how my first thought is how he didn’t get shot by the police than anything else

Her caveman sperm donor was named Shawn, when she was born he proclaimed “Me Shawn!” and it stuck.