
This asshole does everything he can to make us less safe, then wants our tax money to pay for his protection. 

You’re either a billionaire proving him right, or a billionaire’s ass licker. Either way, go fuck yourself.

Asshole repellent.

It’s just standard right-wing propaganda, and it’s entirely on purpose. They know how ignorant, gullible and short-sighted their listeners/readers/viewers are, and it makes them money.

Why my 2004 Ford Focus suddenly downshifted to what seemed like first gear while cruising at around 80 MPH on the highway. Scared the crap out of me, if the road wasn’t dry I probably would have lost control, and thankfully there was nobody behind me. Took it to a Ford Dealer ASAP so they could diagnose but they

The rear looks like a crossover was welded on top of a completely different model crossover, like someone’s bad backyard project. 

Trump paints his skin mask orange to hide the green scales underneath. I know because I saw a Youtube video.

What’s this “Expand” bar hovering over the bottom of the videos? Clicking it does nothing, it’s just obstructing the controls.

Basically the same outside of major cities, Mastriano would be our governor if not for them. 

Trump is their role model. 

I’m in rural PA and saw a ton of ads, but all them just a smear campaign against Shapiro since Mastriano was such a joke of a candidate that they had nothing positive to say, unless you think “endorsed by Trump” is positive.

Well said, but that’s why they’ll be turning off comments here before long. RIP Kotaku (and Deadspin, Jezebel, Lifehacker, Gawker, The Root...)

It’s Pennsyltucky, not Tennessee.

I’m sure it’s more profitable somehow, and/or the rich asshole sees these sites as “woke” or liberal or something, so he’s happy to take them out while profiting what he can in the meantime. If he get’s removed from his position he’ll just get a golden parachute anyway. 

That instant acceleration is gonna be scary in the hands of children.

They’d have to de-age them, plus paying the actors would hit the budget hard. I assume their number finally came up in the afterlife and they went off to heaven or something. Still would be nice if they had a brief hello or something, maybe intervening at the climax. 

... and it’s pronounced “Reveeah”

Can see why this happens, besides the driver not paying attention, there’s a long dead-straight stretch of highway through swampland then suddenly there’s a traffic circle. They should put a chicane before it or something. Amazing they didn’t hit another vehicle. Had a screenshot but of course I can’t post it.

I’m all for another way for MAGAts to lose their money, but if chump dumps his shares to pay his fines, doesn’t that screw them over even more? Not sure. Either way, seems like a bad investment. His last publicly traded company for his Casinos, also under the symbol “DJT”, went bankrupt and was kicked off the NY stock

Looks like they’re jumping to me, just very good at it.