
There’s what seems to be a tentacle being forced into a woman’s mouth right there in the trailer.

Yep, I’m pretty sure they weren’t referencing the TV show, but this will give those Pizza Gate types more to chew on unfortunately.

My partner has a tattoo she got in the ‘90s that’s completely unrecognizable now, but she’s glad because it had her old boyfriend’s name in it. If it was a QR code there’s no way it would still work.

Shows how complete the appropriation of the word is. 

Uber CEO compensation last year: $24.3 million


We have a “Supreme” Court that doesn’t understand that.

Isn’t that how all Republican politicians start out?

And most people will look at it, say “huh” and go about their day. F’ing stupid. Ever heard of charity, douche bros?

This is comforting at least:

I thought it was me, until it got to the water pitcher part, I’m pretty sure I’d have grabbed a beer pitcher.

Do you read Jalopnik regularly? Terrible color combinations are beloved here. Personally I think it’s tacky and terrible. 

If Questlove joins the band, he’ll explode, as he should. It’s an honor. 

It can be done right, the ones doing the cameos need to have a great sense of humor, and be there to act or be the butt of a good joke, not just show their face like “Look at me! I’m famous!

There’s plenty to be concerned about besides polls for sure. I just hope people are as motivated to keep Trump out as they were in 2020, and that trumpers are less motivated, at the least by his criminal activity. It’s more important than ever, but there’s so much mucking it up. Can’t wait for the damn election to be

The polls are bullshit, especially the NY Times one. They polled 1,000 people over the phone, with a response rate of about 6%. Who actually answers and then sits through a political poll on their phone? Just a guess, but I’d say more likely the type to be trumpers. Then they milk it like it’s the official outcome of

I think people forget just how bad sci-fi movies were generally at the time, Star Wars was an exception and even that is clouded by nostalgia. Dune was overly ambitious, they tried to cram too much into a short runtime and leaned too heavily into the gross-out terribleness of the Baron to the point where it was just

The only severe allergic reaction I ever had was from chomping on a Kiwi, skin and all. After that I avoided them until I had a Kiwi Snapple without realizing it, and had no reaction, so I tried some skinned and was fine. The first time I was a kid who’d never seen one before, but ever since I assumed you normally remo

I hope Reagan is spinning around in his grave, for many reasons.