
There are a bunch out there, I’ve tried a few and they were not convincing. I think you’re right about the “snap”, the texture is key, along with enough salt and smoke flavor. It seems the hardest part is getting them to taste like meat though, not peas or beans or whatever. One I had just tasted like a mashed pea

Awesome, I bet that was a treat!

I’m betting it’s the “star” of the video, the CEO, so that isn’t happening.

You gotta provide details for a claim like that. 

I wish I was lucky enough to be a complete dumbass, yet have billions at my disposal. What kind of idiocy is required to think trump is a good investment at this point? 

It’s fucking assault, it doesn’t matter how nostalgic it seems ya fucking weirdos. Ask yourself this: How would I feel if a random dude grabbed me and forced me to kiss him? Not great, right?

If Trump wins it will be because people voted for him. They are to blame. 

False flag, right? At least no children were shot. /s

Stupid guy calls other stupid people “dumb”. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. 

So... based on the picture, another top-heavy lander that will fall over if it doesn’t land with zero forward momentum on a perfectly level surface.

Why is it surprising that he got what he deserved? I hope the appeal falls flat. 

Not so sure about “undecided” white voters, if they’re still undecided then they’re stupid enough to believe this.

So the guy is a walking internet troll desperate for attention. They should have immediately threw him out and denied him what he was seeking.

Just like they consider “SJW” an insult, when it means Social Justice Warrior. How is that not a good thing? 

I’d settle for something animated at this point. 

Exactly, it just doesn’t have the hype it deserves.

The story was also unique and intriguing, I think that played a big part in it. 

Am I the only one who saw this thing and thought it was too top-heavy? Any forward motion or a large enough rock under one of the struts when it landed would easily put it on it’s side. Surely all the engineers involved would have thought of that...

Could it be as simple as corporations not wanting you to be informed? Look what happened to Gawker.