
Because they’re a cult now and to them that drooling old man is a god who can do no wrong. They’re fully brainwashed and as long as he’s upright and can string some words together, he’s their guy. Democrats don’t have that problem. 

They only care about the cash not the consequences. Same as ever. 

Katie Porter takes her campaign cash directly from Big Pharma, Big Oil, and the Big Bank executives” Even if that was true, a Republican would just do the same thing, but more blatantly.

I think you’re missing out, on the car and the women. To each their own I guess. 

Their ancestors would knit sweaters in their mouths. Oh, how times have changed.

Either that or they know it’s shit and put all the “best” stuff in the trailer to lure people in. I hope not, it looks fun enough to watch. 

The Democratic Party needs some brutal honesty right now, there’s too much at stake. Maybe the old man should humble himself and make way for a younger candidate. Yet, as someone else commented here, I’d rather a “drooling vegetable” in the Whitehouse than a wanna-be dictator.

It all depends on where the water got to, how long it sat, how deep it was submerged, etc. It may fix it, it may do what you describe, or it may not work at all. It’s worth a shot since getting it wet isn’t covered by the warranty. 

Bull. Yeah, don’t leave bits of rice in the charging port or wherever, but I think Apple would rather your phone stay broken so you have to buy a new one. I haven’t had to do this since back in the flip-phone days, but it worked so it’s worth a shot. They offer good advice but if that doesn’t work then throw it in the

Plastic trash. But if they bring back intermission and have reasonably priced alcohol, no higher than local bar prices, I’d be far more likely to go to the theater.

Arby’s fish sandwich is great, and at least at my location it’s always available. 

Aren’t those “heirloom” tomatoes? They’re mentioned in the article, these are different.

Doesn’t help when the “news” keeps hammering fear and misinformation into them, or how they like to say it, “shoving it down their throats”.

It really should make them look bad, but people either don’t pay attention or get their “news” from the GOP propaganda network.

I guess the Space Force needs to step up their game. Wasn’t that a trump thing? SMH

Everything the GOP does in an election year with a Democrat in the White House is for the purpose of making him look bad. Look at the border deal they passed up. 

You don’t hear about the people that take those risks and fail miserably, and you also don’t hear about the people that play it safe and turn out okay but don’t end up a billionaire or celebrity. There’s always some luck involved, like what if a spin of the Wheel of Fortune resulted in him losing? Could be he never

I’m so glad “it was fun” for Palin and her family to lower the bar to new depths in the American zeitgeist. You could argue that she paved the way for trump to be a viable candidate.

Don’t forget turning down the gas-prices dial built into his desk!