
Which candidate is buddies with Netanyahu? I’ll help you out... it’s Trump. Do you honestly think it would have turned out better for Palestinians with Trump in office? Only if it was all planned to make Biden look bad, but that would mean you fell for it. I’m not into conspiracy theories though. 

I’ll vote for a brick before I vote for trump, or not vote against him. At least a brick won’t do any harm.

Loved my ‘84 Chrysler Laser and would buy a nice one again just for fun if I could.

we have to pretend Creed is good now since there hasn’t been a new mainstream rock band since 2003" Thank you. Out of all the bands that could make a comeback, ignoring the fact that there are plenty of new original bands out there, why Creed? They were corny, formulaic Jesus rock back in the 90s, why the hell would

“the Palestinians fucked around” That’s like saying “the Americans fucked around” whenever some MAGA nut shoots up a church or when referring to the January 6th insurrection, then reacting to it by indiscriminately bombing everyone’s city in America, because the MAGAts might live there.


I think the tactile experience is part of the fun, like eating pistachios or chicken wings. It’s primal. To each their own, but with 3 Million pounds sold every year, from just one supplier, I don’t think it matters that you don’t get it.

I can think of a few that we should have ignored years ago, but continue to follow their every deed. 

Gotta love your optimism. 

Yet somehow he passed the drug test for his security clearance. Sure he did. 

Came here to say this, people don’t realize how unreliable email is. I work with lawyers with court date deadlines who miss important client emails, which the clients send because a phone call would cost them $100 an hour, or there’s documentation attached. Happens repeatedly too. Half the time they only miss an

Will he be incapacitated when he returns? I imagine gravity will hit him like a ton of bricks after that long.

Doesn’t matter, you don’t pull this shit on public roads unless you’re a stupid asshole. 

Let’s just hope the prize isn’t a new uniform and a trip to the middle east.

Just give me a gummi with a reliable amount of THC so I can control the dose. I don’t want to eat wings and wonder how I’m going to feel in a half hour, not really knowing how much THC is in each because of however they were cooked. 

Because if they reached a deal, they couldn’t complain about it anymore. 

You can’t show one image of the store? 


group-think makes people act more brashly and aggressively” Hence the million dollar trump Diablo. Applies to all of his cult members really.

Your assessment that some sort of space-faring fecal matter is more worthy of a street name than a confederate general is correct.