
She might be! I’m just going by this guy’s Tweet. Conjuring nun’s no less out of place next to a Wicked Witch’s flying monkey than the Devils’ Mother Superior.

Didn’t you hear? Alan Smithee was “retired” at the end of the 90s.

I only saw the first two episodes of WandaVision before our Disney+ trial ended, but from what I remember, the second episode began with Wanda and Vision combining separate beds into one double bed, and ended with her suddenly becoming pregnant.

No offence intended to Michael Jordan, but I can think of one more surprising cameo:

I think it’s awesome. Imagine being the kids growing up, watching the adult movies and they suddenly remember seeing those spectators before.

Every now and then, I see an article I don’t read, but who’s title sticks in my brain. One particular title (or subtitle) was “How the sexual revolution gave men a sense of entitlement.”

That was Western Europe (or at least France) in the 80s and 90s, when violence was considered worse than sex because WW2 was still fresh in their minds.

Great, they can get two Cease and Desist orders instead of just one.

He was saying fuck figuratively, as in “he fuck up anything that moves,” just like he fucks up Jeffery after threatening to kill him.

More like a non-binary bisexual stand up comic, but I get your point.

Hope Léa get’s better.

I swear Kim Cattrall was the only one I’ve seen topless. And no offence intended to Sarah Jessica Parker, but how come she got a no nudity clause and her co stars didn’t?

Sounds like The Magnificent Tenenbaums, a movie I wished I saw but didn’t.

Rebooting Sex and the City without the only woman in the show I remember actually having sex is certainly a choice.

More so than the original?

I’m certain no one saw this coming at all...

Sorry, it’s just that, setting Hitchcock’s talent and effort aside, he still wanted to make this one book into a movie not in spite of the scene I mentioned earlier, but because of it, and only because of it.

Sometimes, people want to do things for precisely the reason it’s wrong to do them. Years before GG, Hitchcock hired a screenwriter for his film Marnie. When the screenwriter objected to a rape scene, his replacement told him the scene was the only reason Hitchcock wanted to make the film.

I’m as impressed with the textures as much as anyone, but won’t this just make it weirder when you punch out the (perfectly rectangular) tree trunks and the rest of the tree just floats, refusing to fall down?