Slightly off topic, but it seems a little weird there aren’t any girls around with the name Sigourney.
Slightly off topic, but it seems a little weird there aren’t any girls around with the name Sigourney.
It’s a multi player game. No one wants to make anything but multiplayer games because that’s where the money is.
Sorry if I sound dumb, but the Norwegian lawsuit alleges there was bribery in the form of gifts? Is that what “emoluments violations” means?
Edmonton, early 90s. My high school was... Different, smaller, with less students. No real jocks, or any sports program for them. The two or three skaters just had less competition for the top of the food chain.
So much for the “Cool” Pope.
Has anyone seen Tears in the Rain? Can’t help but be curious about that one. Also, it can’t be too bad if it was a tv movie, right?
Between Kids, Gummo and the Brown Bunny, I hope Chloe Sevigny got a LOT of therapy.
I don’t know why, but I thought Gus Van Sant was the guy who made Kids.
Apparently about as much as Paul Ryan was aware what the songs of RATM were about.
The Pekingese dog got it’s name for being a favorite of Chinese royalty. It is a Chinese breed.
Remember that SWAT movie where a drug lord being transported offers a million dollars to anyone who could bust him loose?
Flipping off Mark Zuckerberg is great and all, but Julian Assange is a Russian Asset. Assange is partly responsible for the biggest mess of the past five years.
I completely missed how many seasons this show already had.
The show was about people just missing the past five years?
It’s still a little weird for them to be so “overprotective” when they greenlit the Harley Quinn show in the first place.
It’s what you made Cobra Commander and Dr. Mindbender do that was wrong, you monster!
Exactly! At least we used to be able to get a DCAU superman comic (I remember getting one, once).
Can western comics please go back to being just for kids?
Only David Lynch could get away with this*.
You know you’re old when your thinking; Isn’t Batman supposed to be a detective?