
My manhole exploded on something Chinese but it wasn't a street.

1 - Audi guy was a dick pulling in to the bike zone

So if you drive badly, and somebody tells you that you drive badly, they've earned their punch in the face?

There it is! Ah, I knew someone wouldn't be able to resist. I'm impressed by your spelling of big words like exacerbate, looking forward to when you learn how to use it well!

This one will not make the list.

Woah Woah Woah guys. We got an internet tough guy over here.

Steven Dorff approves.

Actually merging at the merge point is the most effective method of merging traffic. Early merging, followed by blocking merging in the open lane, is what causes the pile ups.

Just starred you to make your idiotic comment more visible

Don't be a dunce.

Portrait video fail. When will people learn.

Anyone who makes (and posts) videos in portrait mode loses instant credibility with me.