banjo cat ghost of oppo past

This is clearly something done out of curiosity rather than necessity.

I know bikes are in short supply due to covid, but this is a bit absurd 🤪

Only if the Macho Man has a Randy Savage trim.

How has nobody suggested Canyonero yet?

I’ll get it out of the way, Jeepy McJeepface.

I lived in the Boston area for 10 years and wasn’t sure where Northampton was so I had to look it up. Fun fact about Northampton...they have a Beer Can Museum.

For sale. $800,000. I know what I have. 

Me a few months back peaking on shrooms listening to Lateralus by Tool.

“Ever think about time?” - “Like really think about time?”

Jonathan Nolan was the main creative force behind POI.

My interest in a TV show or movie falls by about 90%, in direct relation to having been informed that JJ Abrams is “attached” to said project. That is also true when I learn that a project is helmed or written by someone in his usual group of collaborators.
I come across something that sounds promising, interesting…

Subject to Change is an appropriate title for an Abrams project considering that’s exactly how he approaches plot points/resolutions in long form storytelling.

Mitsubishi Outlander


But those Wranglers have transmissions that actually work. They’re nothing special but they’re fine.

They are addressing that with... heavier tires and more aerodynamic drag. Work’s over; let’s go get a drink, boys.

I’m old enough to remember when the Outback was a Legacy Outback, which was just a Legacy with some plastic cladded and a bit more ground clearance. I guess it worked once, why not try it again.

Here’s the thing.  Big tires?  roof racks?  slight lift?  These are the things that are easily and cheaply solved in the aftermarket.  You know what these models NEED and can’t be provided by the aftermarket?  Transmissions that don’t pull power, overheat and die after 50,000 miles when used off-road.

Not having Wegmans is my biggest regret about moving away from Western NY. The flagship store is like a holy site to me. As soon as the Canada/US border opens up, I’m going to Wegmans!!!!

Nearly a quarter of Americans live in what the US Census Bureau defines as a rural county.   Is this the majority? No. Is it some weird fringe group? Also no.

I’m in the Upstate NY, not far from Watkins Glen International. It’s a 30 minute ride to Wegmans, yes, we have a grocery store in my town, but it’s selection is…