Brent Mydland

Sooooooo are you going to fix the name orrrrr......?

I'd fuck her

What a d bag

They ran a train on her while her friend watched shortly after this pic...

he runs kinda funny. Kinda unathletically. Open toed. Retarded. Fucking hate him.

a system designed to take black lives? You are a fucking moron.

if you're a pussy

you're not SEEING the big picture

Shits heavy.

Finally! White man that's not a cop killin' a coon.

I would rape him, then give him hush money.

yaaaaaa........let's move along now

yes we do

I luv dat dayum Char Barklee!

Sooooooooooo wtf does this have to do with sports?


Hilarious. Those guys are the cracker version of K & P.

Soooo do we make them start wearing helmets?

Stinky fingaz

I was.