
That’s true, the original Metroid has a weaker version of Kraid that appear nearby and Super Metroid includes a smaller “Mini-Kraids” for the same purpose. It’s possible that the Kraid is still dead and that the one in Dread is a different one, all grown up.

wekll, in theory, there are baby/juvenile kraids in super metroid?

The Metroid Prime trilogy takes place between Metroid and Metroid II - Ridley was killed (or nearly killed) in Metroid, resurrected as a cyborg before Prime to create Meta Ridley, and upgraded/corrupted with Phazon to become Omega Ridley in Prime 3. He didn’t appear in the original Metroid II, but was in the 3DS

Serious question: What do people like about Clueless Hero? After months (years?) of reading it here on Kotaku I’m still struggling to understand its appeal.

Plus, although we haven’t gone to the Moon lately, we have an additional half a century of experience at doing space stuff. To put it another way, we’re about twice as far from Apollo as Apollo was from the V-2. The basic physics is eternal and in the case of the booster is unhappy (the controlled release of the

Donald trump? Bullshit, get out of here. 

Does it expand Donk?

The city is called New Donk City, and while the creators obviously based it on New York, it’s located in the Metro Kingdom, which is a nation located in the same world as the Mushroom Kingdom. It’s strongly implied that this is where the original Donkey Kong took place.

It’s been a while since I played Skyrim, but he was pretty decent as Paarthurnax, I think?

On god if this ends up being a sequel to the super mario bros super show I will buy and eat a mario hat that sounds amazing

Yeah, something, because as iconic as Martinet is in short soundbites, I don't think I could handle it for 90 minutes of dialogue. I too suspect it'll tilt more towards the Super Show style

I was gonna reply with the same thing! It’s real, real hard to hear long-form Mario talk, unless they decide to change up how Marinett talks as him in general. He is an actor past Mario, I’m sure has the ability to alter it. 

Charles Martinet should absolutely be the voice of Mario. Full stop. I’ll tell you why.

I haven’t played Odyssey yet, but isn’t the city level in that supposed to be Mario’s version of New York?

I hope that they use this design.

I hope it’s Martinet, but I also hope they take their lead from games so Mario is limited to only reactions and incidental dialogue. Go full Wall-E on this, take advantage of animation as a medium to make Mario a man of action who communicates primarily through movement and expressions. (If there has to be extensive

Doesn’t foreman Spike have some dubious connection to Waluigi?

Makes me wonder if they’re going to do something like Super Mario Super Show and say Mario and Luigi are from Earth and transported to the Mushroom Kingdom instead of what they do these days and imply that Mario and Luigi were born in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Wow that’s a mega deep-cut. I’m cautiously optimistic? Honestly I forgot this was animated. Since its animated I see no reason to not use Martinet as the voice of Mario given hes....the voice of Mario.