Good games? I think it only had Pilot Wings, Mario and F-Zero at launch. Maybe the light gun with that one gundam shooting game? That's all I recall having to chose from when I got it during launch week.
Good games? I think it only had Pilot Wings, Mario and F-Zero at launch. Maybe the light gun with that one gundam shooting game? That's all I recall having to chose from when I got it during launch week.
Sorry Fahey. I still think these First Fives are super pretty. Petty? No pretty. Pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty good.
I'm just going to assume it's totally legal to carry katana in Japan. At least open carry. So cool.
Dude. How do you think traditional news sources work? Regular people call in with tips. There's no police scanner for video games. Get over it. They don't have people write the stories.
like a kotaku writer.
Honestly never bothered me. I like that not everyone is Twitchy McSniperson right out of the vault. It's not like every shot missed by miles. And it is an RPG.
Clearly you have a bone to pick with someone.
He answered a snarky comment with a snarky reply. And honestly he’s not wrong. He’s been doing these for a while now and if you don’t like the format then oh well. He shouldn’t have to draw out huge explanations for something that’s very simple. He records 5 minutes of gameplay and comments on it. Why not 25 minutes?…
Are you a Duggar or a Dunham?
Naturally I meant scorpions but I'm on drugs. Cut me some slack.
Did you have a few shots while writing this? I'm not judging. ;)
Is it still considered a successful speed run if you take a bunch of methamphetamines and chase rad scorpians around for 4-5 hours?
Sweet. And Oliver Stone is doing the next COD campaign!
Highly doubt it will be past 2016 but anything is possible. It’s been in dev limbo since 2010. Now that Steve is on board as director I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s gets rushed for a Xmas 2016. Though all I care about it placing the music in the trailers that will definitely be hitting in the next 12 months! Those…
I was joshing.
Just started watching 2 nights ago on your recommendation. Thx.
Just getting pumped for next year’s Ready Player One film. Been rewatching lots of ‘80s classics. I didn't even know that was a fake hyperlink until right now.
I believe it was WOPR who taught us the only way to win is to not play.
Well shit. Sorry I stuck for this dipshit. Unless he's learning disabled. Then sorry again.
They should make the patch paid DLC. Clearly SE doesn't understand the free market.