Yeah you could, but should you?

I mean, smart/dumb isn’t really a consideration in what someone can laugh at, ya know? It all about stimuli and response.

oy, the name calling. you’re an angry little screen name.

both terrible.

When did I ever claim you didn’t like movies? I think you need to take the internet less personally.

You’re a sad dork. Go away. I’m not going to read your responses, dude, might as well go find some other nasty movie-hater to “um actually” to fucking death.

I just don’t see why ‘banned’ doesn’t work for the purpose of this article. It’s not written expressly for the MTG die-hard so ‘banned’ serves the same purpose as ‘not legal’ to illustrate that these cards can’t be played in a tournament. No?

This a fascinatingly bizarre semantics nitpick.

So, you can use them in a tournament?

Not really making fun of you for not liking the movies, or commenting on their quality. A few have sucked, most are pleasantly benign, a few have almost been great. Box office totals and critical reception tend to agree with this.

I’m sorry (mostly I’m sorry that I even care enough to ask) but how is a ‘not legal’ card not effectively ‘banned from tournaments’

Your commenting on the internet so you’re kind’a talking to everyone who want to read it.

You’re welcome, happy to help.

Do you know your own taste in movies if you keep watching super hero stories that you don’t like?

You seem to have a bit of a disconnect with what ‘everyone’ wanted.


What a strange, magical turn of events.

I bought the first 5 issues at a thrift store for nostalgia’s sake a few years ago. The creative team certainly didn’t pretend there was something else involved.

who’s freedom of speech was infringed upon? Freedom of speech ain’t freedom from consequences.

hahaha! Are you still on about this?

Do you take issue with any gimmick?